The Path Is Clear To The Ones Who Want To See

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"You know, you don't have to drive us there, Adolf. We can take the train. It's alright."

Chise wasn't used to people doing favors for her. Since she was little, she had to do a lot of things by herself: Take care of her little brother, clean the house when her mother was working, keep an eye out for the "monsters" so they wouldn't attack her. That was her every day. Some things that were normal for a girl her age, and others that were not. But they didn't matter. She was used to it. She was used to being independent, self-sufficient. But lately, that wasn't the case anymore; she had a lot of people helping her now, people she could trust. And she had to get used to relying on others.

However, Adolf wasn't one of her closest family members. He was her teacher, a high ranking professor of the College, and accepting his help would mean she was special to the College and she didn't want that. Not after what happened in the past few days.

"Really, Adolf. There's no need. We will be alr..."

"Chise. I know you don't want to be a bother" Adolf said, interrupting her, "But we aren't doing this just for you. We are not going to let him go on public transport so casually. So just calm yourself down. Be a good girl, and enjoy the trip."

Adolf gave her his best smile. He was more difficult to talk to than what she imagined from her prior encounters, so, she resigned herself and entered the car.

She found Joseph already propped into the backseat next to her, his eyes closed like he was already trying to sleep. It was going to be a long trip, and these last months on the College had been exhausting, so she didn't say anything and let him doze off. He deserved a nap.

Adolf was already loading the suitcases in the trunk when a blonde-haired girl arrived running to the car.

"Alice! Good grief! I thought we were going to have to leave without you!" Adolf said, closing the trunk.

"Sorry! Sorry." Alice said, trying to catch her breath. Her words were cut short by her gasping for air.

She opened the passenger seat and sat down, exhausted by the race.

"I'm sorry for being late, Chise. We had to clean the laboratory after the last class. I tried to go as fast as I could, but it was a mess!".

"It doesn't matter, I'm glad that you could come after all."

And she was happy. Alice coming with her in this car trip, was the only thing that made her accept in the first place. She did miss her. In the College, Alice was always busy with class stuff and homework, so they weren't able to hang out as much as they would like to. But these few hours on the car were a splendid opportunity to be with her and share her first experiences in the College. Even if Adolf and Joseph were in the way.

"Also. I did talk with Lauren." Alice said suddenly, outraged. "How dare she be so mean to you? I help her with potions all the time!"

"Alice, you didn't have to!" Chise replied, blushing, "Everything is sorted out already! I don't want you to make things worse. Now, I just need to go home and take a good nap..."

She could swear Joseph nodded approvingly to that last statement.

"Okay, okay. If you say so." Alice said, accepting of her wishes, "But I am not going to let something like this happen ever again. If anyone tries to do something like this, they are going to hear me! So tell me, if it happens again, okay? Before it escalates."

Alice seemed like she was ready to punch someone in the face, and just when Chise was about to try to calm her down, Adolf entered the car.

"Alright, everybody! Is everyone ready?" Adolf asked, smiling, but then he saw Alice's fist, "Did I interrupt something?"

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