5 - Fervently

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It took a while for me to get used to calling him 'Daddy' without feeling little cringe, but because I just met him, I conditioned my brain that his name is Daddy

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It took a while for me to get used to calling him 'Daddy' without feeling little cringe, but because I just met him, I conditioned my brain that his name is Daddy. I don't know a lot of what I should as his 'Little' so I had to do research. Most of what I found were all sexual in nature but there was a few blogs I read wherein the Daddy just took a role of a caretaker —an authority figure to another adult person who would act the given 'age' agreed with the dominant who would give the little as much care and dicipline as needed.

It's only been a few days passed since I started living with him and I never left his place. It's not because he told me not to, I just didnt't want to leave this place for now. I don't want to meet anyone after what happened. 

He made sure there was always food for me.  His mother even visited a couple of times and brought food. When he comes home before 7 in the evening, he would cook for the both of us. I know how to cook, it's just that daddy wanted to make me feel special by cooking food for me. He said, "Let me do this for you, princess. I'll be sure to come home in time."

He's sweet and gentle so it didn't take long for me to start being genuinely sweet with him by means of touch. It was a little hard to initiate touching him but it suddenly felt natural to reciprocate the same treatment he does for me. It started with subtle touches like pushing my hair off my face or holding my hand or waist. Then, it just became subtle gentle kisses on the cheek, my forehead, or my hand to show affection, and I would start doing the same things. It warmed my heart so quickly that all the reservations a stranger should have for another just disappeared. 

However, there are times when Jungkook would cross my mind and I couldn't help but to compare them most times I thought about him. Especially when I realized what Jungkook might have done to manipulate me in the beginning of our relationship. I wonder if Daddy is doing the same thing— Love bombing. I can't help but worry that I'm letting myself fall into the same trap.

But the way Daddy treats me— how he pampers me and shows me affection wins against how Jungkook treated me in the beginning of our relationship. There's supposed to be shyness and reservations especially in the beginning but it's like Daddy has no shame showing how he feels for me in the best way shameless could be. He's making me feel like he's known me for so long and the same goes for me. That night he brougt me here, he assured me he didn't mind what I have been through, even when I was just involved with someone else just a few days ago

When Daddy's around, he makes me forget all that had happened like it never even happened like it was just some bad dream— a nightmare, and he will always be there to wake me up. And when he's not around, I think of him. And within a couple of weeks, I've already conviced myself that everything that happened to me in the past was just a dream.

I know this is too soon for me to feel and believe, but I still am hopeful that this is his genuine character and that his actions shows what he trully feels for me and not some sort of strategic manipulation to get me to trust him and be completey in love with him.

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