6 - Dark Chocolates

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"This is so boring

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"This is so boring..." I muttered, complaining to myself with a full pout, glaring at him who was focused on working on his laptop, while I sat on the leather couch waiting for him to finish work. He's so focused that my presence doesn't even bother him no matter how many soft grunts I make.

While staring at him, I thought of our progress as a couple, especially after that kiss which I immediately craved. The progress is definitely fast, and I'm not even worried anymore like I was before. Seeing him as a stranger has been tossed into the trash.  

Daddy and I had been making out quite a lot ever since our first kiss and I've been looking forward to it every day. I can't even express how excited I have become every time even with the slightest touch of our skin. And if it's a kiss? I can only sigh in exasperation thinking of it because I want it now.

I don't know how he did it. I just realized that I'm completely, overly fawning over him. Aside from his good looks which contributed a lot, and his calm, sweet, caring demeanor, he was such a good kisser; his lips are so soft and he kisses gently, and it would subtly heat up like I don't even remember this kiss started gently. I can't even describe how wonderful his tongue is, the smell of his breath and skin is so intoxicatingly good that I'm already missing his kisses with just the mere thought of stopping when we're making out.

The thirst is real. Never have I imagined behaving like this and having these thoughts for someone.

But today is such a bummer. After dinner, he immediately went straight to his office space. That's the one place I hate here because whenever he steps inside there, he's in full work mode. 

But somehow redeemed my negative feelings against this room is that I get to see him all serious and focused, and I truly enjoy this view; brows softly furrowed, jaw clenched, an occasional touching of his lip as he thinks deeply, finger casually rubbing his luscious lower lip while the other hand taps the keys of his laptop. 

I don't like that he's not giving me any attention when he's in this room but I still feel conflicted when I see him looking so attractive right at this moment.

He's so gorgeous.

I was playing with his iPad earlier while sitting on the couch, but it quickly bored me. Knowing that he's here, I lost interest in the things that entertain me whenever he's at work because he's supposed to give me all his attention.

Suddenly, I felt a sudden electric shock course through my spine when he abruptly turned his gaze in my direction and our eyes met.

"If your glares were knives, I would be dead right now." He said then chuckled as he leaned against the backrest of his seat while resting his elbows on its armrests.

I replied, "There's a reason why homes and offices are built separately." 

"What are you trying to say, sweetheart?" He raised a brow as he asked, though I knew he already knew what I meant.

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