Chapter One Pilot

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Eek, sorry this is bad! I'm writing my first story here and I know the ham fandom is kind of dead, but whatever. I know there are a thousand other Adopted by Hamilton books and I'm not trying to be original but yeah. And I'm writing on mobile so...     
Here we go...

Nadia's POV
This is it. I'm finally running away. Running away is an idea you see in movies not in real life. Or at least where I live. I live in New Jersey. To be honest, I just want to get away from my parents.

My mom expects so much from me. She thinks I should be perfect and get great grades and scholarships. My dad on the other hand is an alcoholic. He doesn't care about me and he just abuses my mom. I really don't have any friends at school and I feel as if I'm trapped. I've always lived a very sheltered life. Only children's TV shows and church music. In 6th grade I thought I was being rebellious I listening to Broadway show tunes. When my mom found out, she was pretty upset. She decided that could listen to some of these Broadway tracks and that's how I got into Hamilton.

The idea of running away came into my head a couple of years ago. It was when I realized that my parents didn't care about me, I was in 8th grade. I'm now a sophomore and my mom's already preparing to ship me off to some college.

I've saved up a measly $700 from my job as a barista and doing babysitting and yard work. It does seem like a lot but food is expensive in New York City and that's where I'm planning to go. Most of my money is probably going to go towards food. My goals to just enjoy my life.

It was about 8 p.m. On a Monday night when I started packing. I packed some of my clothes that I didn't wear as much so no one could recognize me. I decided to bring my phone even though I figured that they could probably track me. My plan was to just leave the phone on the train or whatever transportation method I took up to the city.

I packed as much food as I could, from the pantry without looking suspicious. I've been sneaking a lot more food than usual lately and I had to hope that my mom didn't notice.

I glanced around the room making sure I had packed everything I wanted. Then suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I quickly shoved everything under my bed as my mom open the door.

"Honey you have a algebra test tomorrow so you better go to bed." My mom repremanded me. I rolled my eyes and replied. "Mom, chill, it's only eight o clock."

"Don't sass me young lady!" Mom scorned and then stomped out of the room.

The next morning I woke up realizing that today I was going to finally do it. I was going to run away. I decided to write a note to my parents explaining why I had to run away.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Or maybe I should call you, Emily and Adam. You never really cared about me. Dad, you were drunk half of the time and mom, you tried to mold me into a perfect child. I'm human and I make mistakes. You don't understand or care. You guys were never supportive of my hobbies and know you need to learn a lesson. How to cope with dissatisfaction. My life. I hate you. Don't look for me, yeah it's cliche but seriously leave me alone.
Thanks for nothing
~Nadia Leah Evans

That letter felt good to write. It was like I was releasing most of my anger on my parents. I hid it under my pillow and raced out the door. I hid it in case my mom came to inspect my room and realize I'd run away before I actually run away.

"Bye mom, bye dad" I called out as I left. "Oh yeah bye Nadia." My mom responded. It felt weird to hear her voice. Maybe it'd be the last time time I heard it.

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