Chapter Two Runaway

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Nadia's POV
I walked to the train station, I looked under the age of 13 and all I had to do was like to the conductor that I was visiting my dad. With my backpack, it was pretty believeable. I am fifteen but look twelve.

I watched as the quiet New Jersey neighborhoods faded away and were replaced by skyscrapers.

"New York City, Central Station." A monotone intercome voice announced. I grabbed my bag and hopped off of the train.

As I exited this train station and ended up on the street I realized something. I had thought about running away for years, and I know I wanted to come to New York City, but I had no idea where I would go.

I decided to find a place to stay first off. I kept walking for a while until I found a bridge. There was no one under it so I started unpacking my stuff and prepared to sleep the night there. I could eat the food and stolen from home for a while.

I unpacked my blanket and an old pillow him home and set it down on the grass. I laid my head down and looked up at the concrete bridge above me. Tomorrow I would go sightseeing. Maybe the Richard Rodgers.

I decided that I was hungry and pulled out a water bottle and a granola bar from my bag. I also pulled out a book that I had brought to entertain myself. I checked my phone, it seems later but in reality it was only 2:15 p.m. I relaxed and started to read.

I got home from school at 3 and was supposed to text my parents that I was home. I didn't text them at 6 when they both got home from work the text started to come in.

Where are you?

Are you at school?

Mom is freaking out. Nadia come home.

Nadia Leah Evans come home this instant or you're grounded.


I found a your note... Why? Sweetie I love you...

Are you seriously okay?

Mom called the police. Come home. She's freaking out.

I sighed and put them on mute. I realized that they were going to track my phone. Oh well.

The sun was setting and surprisingly, no one attacked me.

The next morning I got dressed, I decided to go to the theater district.

As I got closer to the Richard Rodgers Theatre, I quickened to my pace. Maybe one of the cast would be stagedooring! I saw a large crowd by the barricades and I weasled my way to the front. I'm very tiny so it was easy to get to the front. Suddenly Lin Manuel Miranda appeared along with Leslie Odom Jr. I was so excited that I started waving franticly. I didn't bring anything for them to sign!

Suddenly somebody elbowed me and everything went black.

Lin's POV

I was signing a Playbill for a fan when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a girl get elbowed and blackout.

"Leslie!" I yelled. Leslie looked over at me. "What Lin?" He asked, confused.

"That girl got elbowed, let's lift her up over the barricades." I responded. Leslie nodded and we reached over and picked the girl up. We brought her inside and laid her on the couch in my dressing room.

Suddenly, Annika, the manager came in. "Oh no, I'll call CPS." She said looking at the girl.

Suddenly she bolted upright.

"What's going on? Where am I?" The girl asked, quite scared to be honest.

"Oh um I'm Lin. What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Nadia." The girl whispered.

Then, Annika stormed in. "Oh good, she's awake. I called CPS, a social worker will be here to pick her up soon." Annika smiled.

"No. No, please don't let them take me!" Nadia whispered.

"Are you a runaway?" I asked.

She nodded and silent tears streamed down your face.

"Annika can you-" I started.

"Oh look the social worker is here." Annika smirked.

A tall woman stutted on in.

"Hello, I'm Susan Smitherns. I take it that this is the runaway?" Susan asked, glaring at Nadia. Nadia looked so helpless in that moment, I felt so bad.

"Oh yes you can take her now." Annika smiled.

"Well come on dear." Susan firmly said. Nadia shakily stood up and followed Susan.

After they left, I talked to Annika.

"Annika, I want to foster that little girl."

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