Joshua Brent (Piper McLean)

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      Disclaimer time- I am not uncle R. If I was these fabulous characters would be mine but they are not. Goodbye.
      Hey people of Clearlake High. Josh here. Ladies choice and total player. I'll get with a girl, sleep with her, then dump her for another girl. It is amazing. I've got every girl here except one. Piper McLean. The hottest girl in school. She has choppy brown hair that suits her, perfect curves, Cherokee skin, color changing eyes, and has a 'don't mess with me' vibe around. It's awesome.

      "Today is the day" I told myself. I am standing at my locker fooling around before Ancient Greek class. It's a mandatory class since the Greek gods revealed themselves a few weeks ago.

      I got all the girls by saying I'm a son of Zeus. Everyone bows down their heads to me besides Piper. She just smirks.

      I walk into class and the sub rolls, in a wheelchair, to the front of the class. The name 'Mr. Brunner' is on the board. Piper grins when she sees him and he smiles at her.

      "Did you see that?" My buddy James asks. I nod and pull out a piece of paper from my binder. I was writing the names of the gods and goddesses on it when Pipers phone starts to ring.

      "Whenever a phone rings, you're supposed to put it on speaker," a girl call out from the back of the class. Mr. Brunner nods and motions for Piper to stand at the front of the room.

      J-Jason P-Piper

      J- "Hey Pipes. How's it goin'?" A guy asks from the phone.

      P- "Oh nothing much. Just talking to you IN CLASS!" She yells back.

      J- "Well, don't look now but Kelp Heads dad and your mom is here. Also, I'm being chased by some hellhounds and currently running to your school." The boy answers back. Why is he being chased by a pack of hellhounds. He wasn't a demigod. Was he?

      P- "What the Hades, Jason?" She yells into the phone when two people walk in the door. One has a perfect body like Pipers and the other had a swimmers body. He had raven hair and sea green eyes.

      "Hello Chiron. Hey Piper." The man waves at Mr. Brunner and Piper. How did he know them. I'm confused.

      The woman speaks up. "Hi Piper. How's my favorite daughter?" Piper walks over to the woman and hugs her. Who is she?

      "I'm fine. Just waiting for Jason to come bursting through with a couple hellhounds."

      The man laughs and says, "ah that nephew of mine. Always getting into trouble with monsters. Surprisingly more than Percy." Piper laughs.

      "More than Percy!? I doubt it." Just then, a boy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes bursts through the window.

      "Hey Beauty Queen. A little help." The boy says, not noticing the other students in the room. Piper laughs and talks to the hellhounds telling them to go back to Hades. They oblige but reluctantly.

      "That's my Charm speaking girl!" The woman yells, gaining the boys attention. His eyes widen at seeing her.

      He bows his head and says, "Lady Aphrodite and Lord Poseidon." The whole room gasps a what he just said. THE Poseidon and Aphrodite were standing in front of us this whole time! We bow our heads out of respect.

     "Sparky! Why did you and Poseidon and Mom come, again?" The boy whispers something in her ear and she laughs.

      She turns to us and says, "I am Piper McLean. Daughter of Tristan McLean and Aphrodite. Charm speaker. One of the Seven in the second great prophecy and other stuff I'm too lazy to name." She pauses thinking. "This is Jason Grace. Son of Jupiter, Roman form of Zeus, and my boyfriend. And this is Lord Poseidon and Lady Aphrodite and Chiron. Now goodbye." She turns to Jason. "Shall we go now?"

      He nods and says, "we shall."

      That's how I knew my crush was never going to be mine and a demigod.

      So, what do ya think? If you want me to use a character of yours please comment their name, if they are mortal or demigod, their description(looks), social status in school/work place, who their friends are, what demigod(s) the meet/know. Thank you!!

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