School reunion with the Seven

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It is the tenth year since the seven demigods, besides Hazel who graduated three years after the rest, have been at high school. In honor of the ten years, their high school is throwing a reunion and the demigods are freaking out. Well, the boys are.

"Boys!" The blonde daughter of Athena shouts to her husband and son, her daughter standing by her side annoyed at her father and twin. Percy and Taras look at Annabeth and Skylar and cower at their glares. If there was one thing Skylar got from her mother, it was her glare. "Get dressed then maybe I'll let you eat one of Sally's cookies before we go."

"Yes ma'am," the boys say and rush up the stairs to put on their clothes for the casual get together.

"I don't know how you deal with them, Annabeth," Piper says, holding her toddler in her arms while Jason entertains their five year old son on the floor. "I mean, they're both like children. Jason is better than them, even at his worst." Annabeth nods and sighs.

"I'm just hoping that Taras puts his tie on right," Skylar says. "I should probably help him," she says, and heads upstairs to help her brother tie his tie.

Time skip brought by a black pegasus

"Mom, why do we have to be here if we didn't even go to this school?" Evan, Frank and Hazels son, asks.

"Because, people used to say how unsuccessful we would be, except for Percy and Annabeth, and we need to show them how successful we've become." Just as Evan is about to speak, Hazel interrupts. "That includes showing how wonderful of parents we've become." Evan groans and stays silent the whole rest of the walk from the parking lot to the gym.

"Hey, Percy! Long time no see!" A girl sitting at the sign in table says.

      "Hey, Maia! How've you been?" He asks. They continue talking until everyone is signed in and they walk into the gym. They are immediately approached by Joshua Brent and Everly White.

      "Hey guys. So, we've come to apologize for all the horrible things we did back in high school," Everly starts.

      "Yeah," Joshua continues, struggling to hold onto the hand of a five year old girl and carry and baby girl on his hip. "We're really sorry. We were jerks back then. Once we met each other, though, we changed. Fell in love." The girls of the seven smile and the boys just stand there feeling awkward. "Um, just. Thanks for changing our lives," he says and they walk away.

      "Well that was weird. But, I'm glad they found happiness in each other." Hazel and Piper agree with Annabeth and the seven part ways taking their spouse and children along with them. "So, What are we supposed to do? It's not like we can go anywhere with these two behind us." Percy shrugs and Annabeth sighs. "You never know anything, do you?" He shakes his head and she laughs.

      "What's the point of us being here, anyways. It's not like we have something to prove," Percy points out.

      "Mom, for once I agree with Dad. Why are we here? Literally, everyone knows both of your names."

      Annabeth takes this into consideration and says, "True. Let's just leave, then," she says and all four of the family swiftly walk out of the school toward their car and drive away. Instead of going straight home, Percy surprises them by going to the Richard Rogers Theater and buying tickets to Hamilton. The rest of the night, the family enjoys the show while the others wonder where the family of four went and suffer through the reunion.

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