Matt Sloan (Frank Zhang)

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      Hey there readers. My names the amazing Matt Sloan. All time King and bully of Goode High. So there's this guy on the football team, the quarterback, who's got a real tough body from the neck down. His face though. It couldn't even hurt a guinea pig. He has such a baby face it's hilarious.

So anyways. I bully him. I know what your thinking. Matt, you're gonna get hurt bullying the quarterback. No. No I'm not. Frank Zhang wouldn't hurt a mouse. He just laughs and walks away, kind of like that Jackson kid back in 7th grade, caring for that freak Tyson.

"Matt Sloan?!" I turn around hearing my name and see a familiar looking guy no older than me with a glare on his face. His sea green eyes stare into my soul. Wait. Sea green eyes. Jackson?

"Jackson? Look at you. You actually made it to high school." He sneers at me.

"It's Percy to you. Not Jackson."

"Okay Prissy." He glares at me even more.

He says, "Only my cousin can call me that. Never. And I repeat, NEVER call me that again."

"Hey Perce. Ease up on the guy." I look behind me and see Frank what's-his-name grinning like the freaking Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. His face looks distorted from the crazy smile, thing.

"What ever Frank. Let's go."

"You better not mess with the twin of the Son of Poseidon. My father'll kill you."

He turns around and glares at me. "Like you could be a demigod, much less a kid of the Big Three."

"What was that Jackson?" I can't believe him. The Greek gods just revealed themselves two days ago and he thinks he knows demigods. Yeah right.

He looks back and sneers. "Like you could ever be my brother. A bully like you. A twin would act like me. What is the Son of Poseidon's fatal flaw, Sloan?"

"Obviously the girls at his side. I mean, with these good looks. How could it not be." Frank walks up to me.

"Wrong. His fatal flaw is loyalty. He's too loyal for his own good. Kind of like Percy here." He pauses. "Actually. My name is Frank Zhang. Son of Mars. One of the Seven. I wouldn't mess with Percy here. It might hurt."

"Who are you then, Prissy?"

He grins. "I am Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon and Savior of Olympus. I've retreaved Zeus' master bolt and Hades helm of darkness and beat up Ares, the god of war, all when I was twelve. I've sailed the Sea of Monsters. Battled Polyphemus, Medusa, and many other monsters. I am a former praetor of the Twelfth Legion of Rome. One of the Seven. One of the three survivors of Tartarus. Defeater of Kronos and Gaia."

He went on until he finished a couple minutes later. I said the wrong thing. I said, "Prove it!"

"Gladly," he told me. The next thing I know I'm in the parking lot soaked from head to toe while Jackson and Zhang are completely dry.

I've been bullying demigods my entire life without even thinking of the consequences. I feel awful.

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