Amiah Smith (Hazel Lavesque)

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      "Hey losers. Vote for me or else your love life will go poof!" I turn around and see Chloe, my twin sister. We are nothing alike though. She's popular and I'm the loner. She's got blonde hair and blue eyes while I've got black hair and green eyes. She's a girly girl while I'm a little emo but not too much.

      Anyways. She wants us to vote for prom queen. As if. Hazel and I despise my sister at school. I mean, at home she's fine. Here, you may ask? She's like Hades spawn. Oh yeah. The gods revealed themselves. No big deal. When they revealed themselves Hazel told me who she really is. She's the only daughter of Pluto, Roman counterpart to Hades. Of course I promised not to tell until she wants to and I, being the good friend that I am, am keeping my promise.

      "So, what are you wearing to prom and who are you going with and is he a you-know-what?" Hazel looks at me and rolls her eyes. I may look and act a bit emo but I'm a sucker for romance and girly things, sometimes. Others I hate it. Kind of like Hazel.

      She answers my three questions. "I'm wearing a gold dress, going with my boyfriend Frank, and yes. He is a you-know-what." She giggles as she mentions Frank her so called 'boyfriend.'

      Just then the bell rings and we walk to our first period of the day Ancient Greek. Hazel struggles in it a bit, since she's Roman, but she's still the best in the class.

      "Alright everyone. Sit down," our teacher Mrs. Stephens says. "Today we will pair up for a project. You will be studying the seven demigods that saved us during the 2nd war." At this Hazels eyes darkened but as soon as it was there, it was replaced with excitement. "The demigods are Peter Johnson, Annie bell Chase,
Jackson Grace, Leonardo Valentine, Phoebe McLiam, Hazel Lichen, and Fredrick Zhang."

      I turn to Hazel and see her trying to hold in laughter. "What's so funny?" She just starts busting out laughing.

      "Miss. Levesque? What's so funny?" She nods her head wiping off tears.

      "Oh. It's nothing. Just the names of those heroes is all. It's funny how you think those names are the real ones." I look around the room and see everyone looking at her funny.

      "And how exactly would you know what there names are, loner?" Hazel looks at Chloe and smirks.

      "Okay. My name is Hazel Lavesque daughter of Pluto, Roman form of Hades." By the time she finishes she's in full Roman battle armor and I'm smiling ear to ear. Chloe looks at me.

      "What are you smiling about, loser?" I turn to my twin and glare.

      "Ya know what, Chloe? I'm done putting up with your crap." She gasps at me. "You are the WORST twin ever!" She glares at me and a few gasps are heard around the room along with muttering.

      "Actually, Amiah. You and Chloe are not related. You were given up for adoption by your mother when you were a baby. You are a demigod. Most likely Greek." At this my jaw drops. Hazel looks above my head and then looks at me and smiles. "All hail, my sister Amiah Smith. She is a daughter of Hades and my half sister."

      That's how I found out I had a real sister and an amazing brother.

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