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The afterlife look kinda weird to him well it is his first time after all, pitch black, just him floating in the endless area with no time.

He could only assume that this was limbo, a place stuck between life and death. Not to exciting.

"Wonder how's Takumi doing." His final wish to the Orphnoch was to create peace between human and their species.

"Welcome to limbo, your new home where you suffer for eternity." Eh? That was pretty loud.

"...Yes I am scared." He responded slowly, he didn't know what to react.

"Oh, you're not scared? Surely those who come here beg me to send them back to life and repent their sins." The voice boomed in laughter.

"Oh really. Well seems like I don't have a choice." He sighed, this was already tiresome.

"How courageous. Many have fought, but in the end they all perish." The voice cackled as it reveal itself to be a large grim reaper.

"What are you talking about? I died so I'm accepting the truth." He scoffed making the reaper twitch.

"Y-You aren't gonna fight back or beg me." The reaper point with his robe shaking.

"No, besides you're just a grim reaper so taking my soul out of limbo is a benefit to me." He point out.

"Fool! You think I'm just a grim reaper! I am a Goddeー God!" Something's not right.

"Then let's fight, come down to my level, kami-sama." He sneered.

As the reaper got down to his level, her sheer size was a few heads taller then him, and in his hand was a large scythe.

The reaper rushed towards him as he retreated back from the scythe before ducking low and punch the reaper face.

Surprisingly it was flesh and not bones.

"I will make you suffer!" He snarl before twirling around.

"Don't underestimate me!" He shouted before punch-gutting the reaper causing him to fall and a chance for him to slam his feet in his face.

The force of the kick sent the reaper back. He expected more from someone who claimed to be god.

"That's enough." A voice broke through making him on edge. "I'm very sorry for what my associate did, she can be very... cruel."

A ball of light appeared.

"Then next time, you pull this crap. I'll kill you." He scowled at the light.

Wait, did he say she as in females?! The reaper he fought was a girl?!

"Yuji Kiba or should I say Kamen Rider Orga, do you know why you're here?"


"Is it judgement against my action." Yuji roll his eyes. "I killed those who were a threat and self-defense."

"It's nothing like that you see. I just want to see the man or Orphnoch." If the ball of light have a mouth, he'll be grinning.

"I don't understand why you want to revive him into the world." The reaper scowl, she took off her hood.

" The reaper scowl, she took off her hood

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"What, I refuse to be revive." Yuji scowl.

"You've ruin the surprise like always, Reya." The ball of light chimed. "So Kiba why do you refuse?"

"I don't want to die all over again." Yuji sighed. "Sure that I've want to... them, but..."

"You don't want to see them because you fear that they see differently." Reya finished.

"I see then..."

Soon a familiar set of weapons appeared in front of Yuji.

"If you take it, you'll be revived in a new world. You should know that weapons like this will never been seen there." The light chimed.

"I told you I refuse!" Yuji growl in frustration.

"Well I'm not taking you back to the soul world."

Reya pushed him to the weapon as the Orphnoch and gears instantly disappear.


Yuji Kiba in all his past two life was not amused what was in front of him.

He cursed the two being for reincarnating him, and he did not like it.

In front of him was a woman with bunny ears, holding him in one arm while holding a baby in the other.

If he wasn't tired, he would be scowling at the baby for the noise.

Yawning loudly, Yuji had a long tiring day and he just want to sleep.

No unknown language today.

No more confusion today.

And no more grief.

Just silence.


A few month has passed since he was taken in by the orphanage with his friend since they were here at the same time.

The bunny woman, Anne Bont, named them, Yuki, the baby girl who was a white wolf Beastman.

Nothing change with him since she named him, Yuji.

Hearing some laughter, he turned to his sister or friend, Yuki playing with the toys.

He always wonder what Mari felt like in the cage, now he understood.

Yuki, seeing her brother staring at her, she crawl over to him with the toys in hand.

Yuji being the reincarnated person here, just stared at Yuki's ears and wagging tail.

They both sat in front of each other, waiting for a reaction, one with a neutral expression, the other a innocent, happy smile.

Yuki gurgle and push the toy sword to him, but he kindly refuse.

And the infinity loop of giving and caring started.

"Seems like you two are up." The two turn their head towards Anne. "Yuji you play with Yuki alright."

She picked Yuji up.

Seeing her brother being picked up and leaving her alone in the crib, Yuki began to cry.

"What's wrong Yuki." Anne quickly swap the two as Yuki cried louder. "There, there." She hummed her a lullaby. Curse those songs?!

Yuji slowly got tired from hearing the melody as Yuki fell asleep before he blacked out.


A few years passed, Yuji and Yuki were six-years-old, now they roam freely in the place.

Despite their destiny, it didn't take long for Yuki to follow him like a lost dog before finding her own friends.

For him, it was very difficult to interact with others.

He didn't find anything fun in there games, maybe a bit of rough housing.

Then again, he didn't know anything about this world and took interest with reading.

Right now, he was reading about the world's history.

The fact that this world has magic and heroes.

"Hero..." He muttered, he seen a few people who were heroes.

"A hero once more..."

Yuji stared at the blue sky and relax.

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