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"Yuji..." Yuki always wonder how her not-blood-related brother get away with stuff.

Such as avoiding people, well he does look very cool.

Shaking her head, she slowly approach Yuji who was sleeping outside. With a sly smile, she tiptoe her way to him.

"Yuji!" She jumped on him making him startled with a breathless gasp from the surprise.

"Yuki! I told you not to do that!" He clutch his heart.

"Calm down, you're always on the tight side." Yuki chimed causing her twin to scowl.

"Yes, normal people can shake off the heavy body slam and immune from heart attacks." She could practically hear the sarcasm.

"Whatever you say." Yuki shrugged away causing Yuji to snort. "Anyway dinner is ready and everyone's waiting for you!" She point at him angrily.

"That's how long I was out?!" Yuki nodded.

"And don't blame me when your food is goneー" Yuki stared at the empty space. "Wait for me!"

Not to long, they both made it to the dining room.

"Seems like you made it on time, Yuji." Anne said with a dark aura. "This is the fifth time already, I expect you to clean the dish afterwards."

"Yes ma'am." Yuji lower his head.

"Now then did you clean your hands?" The two nodded. "Good now start digging in."

Yuji food was a basic diet with more vegetables. Must be hard to be bland.

Well for her, it was mostly meat, vegetables tasted nasty.

As she dug into her food, devouring everything, she snatch Yuji's chicken.

Another reason why she stayed close to him, he doesn't complain about his food being taken.


Sometimes he hated Yuki, she was annoying, loud, and she took his food on his plate.


Finishing his carrots, he stabbed his fork into his beef.

"Yuki I got a question for you?"

"This is the first." Couldn't blame her since he rarely ask help.

"What's your favorite food?" He asked.

"The pork chops." Yuki answered with a grin.

"I see..." He bit into his beef.

Yuji then stab his fork into Yuki's pork chop and ate it in front of her.

"Ah Yuji! My pork chops!" She cried.

"You deserved that!"

Then Yuki stabbed her fork into his vegetable.

'This girl?!' Yuji glared. "You ate my vegetable! You monster!" He point his knife at her.

"You ate my food!" She retort with her eyes sharp and blank and her mouth had shark teeth.

"You did too!" They grinded their head together.

"Yuji, Yuki. I rephrase you two to stop." Anne said, watching the scene as well as the other orphans, but they ignore her.

"Go Yuji! Show her what your made off!"

"Don't back down, Yuki!"

As the children cheered them on, the two ended in the brawl before Yuki won.

He would've won, if it wasn't for Yuki's [Magic].

Anne came in and stopped them and put them in a time out much to Yuki's chagrin and to Yuji's annoyance.


The next day has come, Yuji was observing Anne teaching to the older orphans.

Mostly it was magic study and magic property.

So far he seen [Barrier] which create a shield of light, and [Enhance] that strengthen one's body part.

He also learned that there were some downfalls if you don't have a lot of magic.

"Alright class I'm gonna show you a basic element attack." Anne chimed as Yuji got pumped up.

"This is called [Water Bolt]. A simple jet of water." She raise her palm at a target and a small jet of water broke the target.

"That's pretty cool." Yuji comment with stars around him. 'I wonder if we have a magic-base Kamen Rider? Probably not.'

They ignored the little boy and started practicing.

Facing the target he outstretch his palm as a blue magic circle appear on his palm.

A stream of water came out like a dying hose.

'Useless.' Everyone stared at Yuji depressed form.

"That sucked."


"Yuji is becoming more dependent everyday now." One of the caretaker said.

"I know, I saw him bring in wood and fresh water everyday." Anne ears twitched.

"If only he could pay attention to my lesson, he'll be perfect." Anne eyebrow twitch, honestly why can't the boy pay attention.

"Calm down, Anne. He's just a kid, he'll eventually pay closely."

"After all he's sharp when there's problem." True enough, she saw him help his fellow brothers and sisters a couple of time.

"Speaking of sharp, have you seen him practicing his sword."

"You mean the practice swords?" She was positive those weapon were blunt.

"No, he has a real metal sword, it looked big on him, but he swings it like a mad man."

"Maybe I should scold him about using a real sword." Anne walked towards Yuji's room.

"Yuji I need to talk to you." Anne said with a firm tone. "Yuji." She knocked the door. "If you don't open the door, I'll break the door down."

The door soon opened revealing another orphan.

"M-Miss Anne! Yuji's not here." He squeak in fear at the angry expression.

"Do you know where he is?" Anne had her hands on her hip.

The boy told him where Yuji would usually be and Anne left to that location.

As Anne walk up the hill, she saw Yuji practicing with a great sword with relentless ease.

To anyone it look like he was training, but to adventurers like her it looks like he was preparing for something.

Suddenly Yuji hunch forward with his sword being used as a cane.

"So that's my limit. That's not good enough." She heard him talk to himself. "I can't protect anyone with my power, I suck at magic and that's what give people some edge. Dammit."

Anne slowly approached the boy as he lean against the tree.

"If I train enough, maybe I can see Yuki off." She smiled at the bond. "Maybe I can..."

Anne pick up the boy and carried him home, the baby she found was growing everyday and she was proud of it.

Looking at the sunset she know why Yuji came here.

It was beautiful almost like a dream.

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