New chapter

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Fuck this. You guys will have to help me make new titles.

Dust's POV

It's been 1 week since the incident and blue has recovered quickly. He recovered in health but not mentally and I'm a little bit concerned for him. Not saying that I like him hehe.

3rd POV

While blueberry was sleeping, a portal open up next to dust. It was error. When error came out the portal he looked at blueberry first was concerned. Then he looked at dust with disgust.

" dust I need to speak to you." Error said with anger in his voice.

Dust's POV

Shit error is going to kill me.

Error opened up a portal to a a place something like a landscape but not really. I saw the portal lead to space. Honestly I'm thinking error was going to push me into star looking area and let me die there. But I was wrong. "Dust we need to talk." What does he want now. "you know how I said you were going to stay there for a week with blueberry" "y-yeah?" " well I lied you're staying there forever" that bastard I should have never trust him. " welp back to the voi-oof"

3rd POV

Error was going to send dust back to the void but someone ended up kicking error in the face and tying him up with chains. The the chains were purple. Dust saw another skeleton dressed up in brown clothing with a stash that had vials with different colors. " hey there my name is ink. I am the Guardian of all the au's in the multi verse." For a little while Dust was confused but not surprised because he has claimed to "have seen everything."  "Huh, You must be that other person error kidnap. Well... hold on a sec." Ink pulled out a pouch from his pocket and open the pouch, it had gold dust in it and ink blew some on errors face and he slowly Drift Off to Sleep. "Now that he's in la-la land we can talk." Said ink.

Dust was curious for what ink had to say so he listened. "So Im going to guess that blueberry is in the void, correct?" Dust nodded his head yes. "So i got a plan on how to get you and blue back to your own au's, are you with me on this plan." Of course dust said yes.

So for a while ink started discussing his plan.

(10 min time skip because im lazy)

Dust was back in the void talking to blue about half of the plan just in case error threatens him to explain what's going on.

Blueberry and dust went to sleep, getting ready to set the plan in motion within a week

Ink was at his own place getting ready for the plan at hand

How we came to be(blueberry x dust)Where stories live. Discover now