Time to take action!

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Wow I can actually get paid for making stories on Wattpad( I'm going to be honest. I hate that feature because some of the books im stuck reading on will cost coins)

3rd POV

Error had woken up lying down in Outer Tale on the platform. All he could remember was telling Dust that he's staying in the void and opening the portal to the void. Error musta thought that he put dust in the void and slept in Outer Tale. Error shrug his shoulders and went to underfell to steal underfell Sans's chocolate bar.

Dust's POV

Me and blueberry are waiting for Error come to the anti void So the plan can be set in motion.

Ink told us to wait for this guy called dream so he can help us get to a peaceful AU. Ink had give us the choice to go to the Omega timeline ran by Core frisk or to go to a much more peaceful au were me and blue can be. I'm pretty sure the people in the Omega timeline wouldn't like a Sans that killed their own brother multiple times so I pick the option of where me and blue could be at a more peaceful au.

After waiting for 25 minutes error walked into the anti void looking relaxed with a little bit of chocolate on his cheek. I grabbed a slingshot that Inked gave to me and put a soda can in the white rubber string. ( I don't know what it's called) I shot the soda in front of error and it managed to summon ink.

3rd POV

" heya error, how you doing buddy?" "Ugh what are YOU doing here?" "Maybe I should be asking that question for blue and dust?" Error rolled his eyes being annoyed by inks presence. "Does it even matter?" "OF COURSE IT MATTERS! You kidnapped two sans from their au."

Error scoffs and summons three gaster blasters aimed them at ink. "I'll give you a chance to leave and forget this ever happened" ink looked up from writing on his scarf and winked at error "Too late, I already wrote it down"

Error groaned in annoyance and ended up having an epic battle with ink

Dust's POV

As soon as error started fighting ink me and blue made a ran for it. I have never thought in my entire lifetime I would actually need to run away from something dangerous.(other than the human in my universe when they did a genocide run before I went insane) ink also said something that was very important. He said that we also have to think of positive feelings. He didn't say it had to be the both of us thinking of positive feelings. Blue volunteer to do it himself but I'm pretty sure he would have brought on something much more dangerous because of his depression and his Suicidal Thoughts. Even though I didn't really think of positive things after the genocide I volunteered instead of blue so he wouldn't have to feel forced to feel happy.

As soon as we got far away from the fight to the point where they were just a speck, I told blue to sit down because this may take a little while. I was trying to think of all the positive moments when I was with my brother, but as soon as I thought of him I saw his neck chopped off and the human stepping on his head cracking it dust.

I stopped thinking of papyrus and started thinking of toriel, all the knock knock jokes i told her, but that was interrupted with the reminder of me killing her.

I was just about to give up when all of a sudden i felt a bonely hand grasp onto to my hand. "It's ok dust, im here" I ended up smiling and closing back my eyes. I thought of all the nice memories I had here with blue. Even so we've had a bad experience here I found joy in spending time with blue. "Is This Love?" I think to myself. It must definitely be. I want to be with blue, through all his good times and bad Times.

When I open my eye sockets I saw a portal forming and a skeleton coming out. The sculpture was dressed head-to-toe with a yellowish gold and a bit of blue to his outfit. I noticed the initials that said D.S. and assumed he was dream Sans. "Hey are yoy ink's friend?" I asked just to make sure. The skeleton who called himself dream said yes and that we must hurry before error stops fighting ink. Dream moved out the way to show us the portal of a grassy field.

Before I took a step forward I looked at me and blues now intertwined hand and blushed. "Let go blue" i said as I smiled. Blue smiled back at me as we both walked into the portal.

As soon as we ended up on the other side there was a grassy field and a stone path leading to a two story house. I noticed that blue was smiling and I kept my smile

My smile turned into a puzzled look when I noticed that we weren't in an au. I turned to dream who was just now entering the portal and closing it. "Not to be ungrateful but I thought we're going to a peaceful AU." "Oh I thought I could just make you a little universe where you and blue can live and be safely protected from error. Pff- He'll basically never find you guys" I turned around and noticed ink was behind dream which resulted in Blue and dream turning around to see ink.

Blue's POV (it's been awhile since I've done his point of view)

I turned around to see my good friend ink again. Ink said that he hopes that this is enough for us. Me and dust said that this is more than enough and that were very grateful. Dream and ink smiled and said that they're glad to help a fellow friend. We sold our goodbyes and our thank-yous and after that dream and ink left.

As soon as my friends left I stared at dust's eye sockets and he stared back into mine. "Hey blue before we start this New Life there's something I want to tell you" dust said to me "yeah there's something I want to tell you too" dust sighed and said that he loves me. The smile that was already on my face grew wider and I said that I loved him too. I tackled of dust and started hugging him. He of course hugged to me back.And that was the start of our relationship

Boi the last chapter is coming up. So glad I'm about to be done so I can start a new story soon.

How we came to be(blueberry x dust)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant