The last chapter

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Okay, so as you can already see this is the last chapter. Who knows I might come back here and might write a bonus or not. And I just wanted to say thank you to the people who have stayed here for three years because I made this three years ago and thank you for all the people who at least stayed. This reminds me of the last episode of OK KO I guess.

Dust's and blue's POV

A few weeks after we confessed to each other we started going out on little dates and one thing led to another. When did ended up getting married. Ink was able to bring back our brothers and friends, and we invited them for our wedding. It was the happiest day of our life and it still is.

After a few years of being together we ended up making the decision to have children. It was a long process for that to happen but eventually we did ended up having children. One of them was named sprinkle while the other one was named furry.

I always thought my life was going to be miserable but I ended up finding someone I love. My true love.

(imagine dust and blueberry kissing each other)

I guess this is the end. Sure it might have been weird that I posted the second to last episode on the same day I posted the last episode but I think this has been going on long enough. I highly doubt I make a sequel but who knows. Just don't expect one but if one does come out you probably would not want to read it because you'd probably be out of your phase of shipping undertale characters.

But thanks for reading


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