Kira's Sentence (Continued)

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¨I hope I did well...¨, I reply, but deep down inside I knew something bad was gonna happen. Naomi came and sat next to me with fear in her eyes. ¨I..I didn't..I didn't finish my Final...¨, She says as tears stream down her face. ¨I..I don't want to be taken away...¨, Says Naomi as she thinks of the shame she'll bring to her family, along with the depression she'll bring over her brother.

Now depression, or what we call the darkness is something that happens when someone loses someone, or if something traumatic happens.The darkness can be treated, but never truly fixed. Ella, Alva, and myself just looked at Naomi with horror, but we only had a moment to think, for the Man from before and his assistants had returned with, the Final's scores.

I was terrified for Naomi, until he started calling out names. When the Man start to read out names, the assistants will go and fetch the person. When your name is called, it means you have failed your Final and will be taken away.

I was scared when someone close by a male with the name Ceo had been called, the assistants walked over to him, jerked him out of his seat. He screamed for help, but none of us moved for we know the rules during the Final score reveal. It's that when someone, or a friend has failed their Final, no one may help the person or they suffer going with them.

The next to be called was a girl named Lilien, which confused us of why she was even here, for she was a gifted elite herself. They did not jerk her out of her seat instead they escorted her out with Ceo, who was still screaming.

The final two were called and my worst nightmares began coming true. The next name he called was Alva, he looked around confused, but the others all shook their heads in agreement as in The Man never makes a mistake.

Alva and I were shocked as the assistants began walking towards Alva.That's when my own name was called..The terror in Kiki's eyes who was sitting three rows behind me saw as they grabbed Alva and I as they dragged us away

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