Escaping death

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As we were dragged off, we noticed Lilien, which was odd when we saw her smile. We all were all taken to the Dome where most failures went when failing their Final's. We were escorted in as Lilien stayed behind closing the doors locking us all in.
¨What..what's going on?!¨, Ceo asks as the intercom in the Dome turned on. The voice sounded familiar until we recognize it as Don's. ¨Now, since all of you have failed your Final, you will draw from the bag in front of you.¨. A single light flickers down a hallway where a bag on a pedestal stood.
¨What if we refuse Don?! What will you even do to us!?¨,  Alva yells enraged. Don just chuckled saying, ¨Well, if you refuse than you ALL die and you will see...¨, as the intercom turns off we hear a little click on the intercom.
Alva looked at me, but I stared down the hall at the bag. I could tell Ceo was doing the same, so Ceo walked over closer to the hallway, but then said, ¨It's a trap guys, if we step on the wrong tile, we get impaled.¨. ¨How can you be so sure Ceo?¨, I ask questionably.
¨Don't believe me? Hand me that piece of cloth dangling from your shirt Kira.¨, He asks me. I was hesitant, along with Alva who was also concerned, but I did so,and as soon as he flung the piece of cloth as it landed five spikes impaled it. ¨He wants us to die!¨ Ceo yells, ¨This is a set up! I doubt we even failed our Finals!¨, Ceo explains clearly as he could.
¨If Naomi didn't finish, what if..what if they called our names for a reason??¨,  Alva asked questionably. I was shocked but then again it made sense, why would we be all called, but not Naomi? Something wasn't right.
¨How do we get to the bag? There's gotta be a way right?¨, Ceo asks hoping for an answer. ¨I'm not sure, but I think I have an idea. Ceo?¨, I call to Ceo, who turns in my direction. ¨What? Have you found a way?¨, Ceo asks hopefully.
¨I believe so. Do you have anything we can alter the spikes with Ceo?¨, I ask Ceo. ¨Yeah I do. I have this.¨, Ceo hands me some candy he must've grabbed at the festival last night. ¨That'll do.¨,  I say smiling. ¨Maybe if we get to the bag, we can find a way out, Ceo. Right Alva?¨,  I ask turning to him, but he doesn't say a word.
¨No, this is exactly what he wants.¨, Alva exclaims. ¨I say we try to get out by the window over there, maybe we can find Don?¨, Alva asks us. ¨That could work, but how will we get up there?¨, I ask questionably.
¨We lift each other up, duh.¨, Alva says mockingly. ¨Ok then. Well, who will we lift up first?¨ I ask questioning Alva's remark. ¨I can.¨, Ceo calls to us, already under the window

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