The start of a new beginning

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¨It's settled then. We will lift each other up.¨, Says Alva

As we lifted each other up Ceo, being the first one out, gasped when he got a look at the outside of the Dome. "Guys. Where are we?" Ceo asks as he pulls us up. We get a good look at the outside of the Dome and are immendeinty stunned at what we see. We see a huge glass cage like dome over us but as we look around, we see things we'd never seen before. I looked over to one of the trees and see a little girl staring at us and disappears into the trees. "Did you see that Alva?" I ask him who was getting a good long look at where I had been staring. Ceo walks up to us questionably. "What're you guys looking at?" He asks us.
     "There was a girl," I explain to Ceo as his eyes grew wide. "What did she look like? Did she see you?!" Ceo says panicking. "She had dark brown hair with a white dress on. Why?" I ask. "She is not good. She was brought here. She is evil. She killed her family sector and now that she's seen you. You're next Kira." says Ceo as my blood runs cold.
"You're kidding right? Everyone knows she died. Besides why would she be HERE? In this happy place?" Alva asks. "That's because this place is a graveyard and this glass dome around us is what keeps her in."
We hear snickering as Ceo's eyes widen. Alva turns around to be face to face with the girl I'd seen in the trees. "Hello. What're you doing in my dome?" She says softly sending chills down my spine.
     "I'm Sage and you?" she stares at me smiling wide."I'm Kira." I say confidently and Ceo runs away from us. Just as he does, Sage turns around while raising her hand and tightens her fist. Ceo stops in his tracks and at first nothing happens, then he starts to choke as blood spurts from his mouth,as he falls to the ground going limp.
     Alva and I are stunned as Sage walks closer to Alva and I. As she whispers, "Will you run too?" She asks us sending chills down our spines. We shake our heads no. "Good. Now then, let's go shall we?" She asks us as we give each other questioning looks.
    "Where are we going?" I ask scared. "We're going to my little hut," she smiles. She walks towards the trees ushering us to follow. When we arrive to her hut, a male greets us with a sharp grin. He opens the door to the hut and inside was a flight of stairs, four chairs, a table, and a fireplace.
    "Welcome," the male finally says smiling wide. "My name is Dakota. I was brought here, but for a different reason." The way he spoke made our blood run dry. He sounded cold and malicious.
"So, what are we doing here?" I finally ask and Dakota looks at me with a smile. "You will remain here so we can feast," his last words scare me as he walks outside for a bit only to return with Ceo's limp body as he places it in front of us eyeing me.
"Would you care for the first bite?" He asks me grinning. "I'd rather not. I'm not very hungry right now, but maybe later?" I say trying to sound confident but sound weary. "Alright. If that's what you want," he smiles as he glances at Sage who catches his eye and nods.
"You can go upstairs to your rooms. You will be sharing the room with two other women,their VERY hypocritical about new people,so don't give them a hard time..To me that was no doubt a warning,but I passed it off as if it was nothing.
As Alva,and I walk upstairs two girls were standing at the end of the hallway in the shadows. Hello..says one of them who resembled a young female with curly dirty blonde hair,cold black eyes,and a black tank top with jeans.
The other however was a female with light brown hair,jade green eyes,a pair of spectacles,and a light red vest with a tie,and black skirt. Hello,I am Hilda,it is nice to meet you she smirks,the other was quiet,but waved to me.
The other girl finally spoke introducing herself,as Wolfgang,a very odd name for a women such as herself. So,did you get brought here too? Wolfgang asked me staring at me blushing.
Yes,I failed my Final. I say uneasy,I see someone at the window at the end of the hallway,smirking at me from the end of the hallway. Hey,who's that? I ask Hilda,who turns to where i'm staring,and see's the girl standing there,only to walk an inch closer with every step making me very uneasy.
Hi..I'm Emma,I assume you'll be joining us for dinner? I heard we have a fresh kill,although I'm not very thrilled myself,I'm not a cannibal,and nor is my sister... I say softly.
A little girl with pigtails walks out of a nearby room,and greets me with a smile,she seemed nice,with her clean black pigtails, her black polished shoes,and a pretty red,and blue dress with a star in the middle.

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