The Banished

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My name's Molly,who're you? She asks innocently. Umm,I'm Kira,this is Alva,why are we all here? I ask confused. We are the outcasts,the rejected,and we're here to help people,by eliminating the enemy.. Says Wolfgang who had turned cold just speaking of this "Enemy".
Who..who is this enemy? I ask deeply concerned. Don..he's in charge,and the Final?..HE decides who passes...don't you see Kira?
That's why your here..he chose you to be sent here,thinking Sage,and Dakota would've torn you to shreds.says Hilda as she glares out the window where the dome stops,and you see our home,where you can hear people rejoicing in the distance.
Hilda then walked over to me,and gave me a cold stare. Do you know how Home Country came to be? She asks staring at me dead in the eye. No,but should I? I ask confused,as Alva talks to Molly.
Well,If you really want to know how Wolfgang,and I were brought here,her,and I were the reasons Home Country exists,but Don used his gift to take us down,and send us here. Which is why the Final exists. She says glaring.
Her words stun me,making me very concerned. Then Dakota walks in smiling,holding a gun,and handing it to me. Why did you just hand this to me? I ask shivering.
We're going to take back society,and take down Don, although it won't be easy, because of the other gifted students who will protect him,now let's go.. Dakota says walking to the room ushering us to follow.
When we are all inside the room,we see a whole shelf stocked full of guns,knifes,shives,and more. I was amazed having never seen some of these weapons up close.
Grab what you want,and be ready, for tonight we strike.. Says Dakota smiling at me. Hilda,and Wolfgang grabbed shives,and handguns, as they grab belts while putting their shives in their pocket protectors,and their handguns in their hands.
I end up grabbing another handgun,and a pocket knife putting it in my pocket. Molly tries to grab herself a knife,but Emma hands her a gun instead,which confused me knowing she was too young,but it occurred to him that she needs to grow up,and it was survival of the fittest now.
Emma grabs herself a gun,while Dakota,and Sage bring out their sharp claws,and bearing their teeth. Let's's becoming dusk says Dakota as Sage walks out of the room with him.
We went outside where Sage,and Dakota were waiting. Ready guys? Sage asks readying her sharp fangs. We were all geared up as we left the Dome. When we were outside the Dome we walked into the dark alleyway,and into the building nearby.
We see patrols walking around,so we would duck,duck,and duck until we came to a building nearby Harlekias,and his sister Kiki's family sector. We walked in,all geared up,and Kiki greets us confused of why we were dressed like we were.
Why are you here? Kiki asks us,as Harlekias walks down stairs,and one look at us, was enough for him to bring us into his room to have a long talk. Inside his room,we told him everything,and what was going on,when we told him about Don he immediately glares,and says I knew there was something wrong with Don..Harlekias then looks at me,and says I will help you,just let me get my aura blade...
Harlekias meets us downstairs geared up in Aurian Armor,armor only the most gifted blacksmith could establish. Stay here Kiki,I don't want anything happening to you..Harlekias says concerned for his sisters well being.
Harlekias opens the back door,and lets us walk through as he walks out behind us.  We walk through the streets still dodging the troops,as we head to the Dome where our Final had taken place.
As we walked towards the Dome,we spotted Don,and Ella talking amongst themselves. Ella was pleading to Don to help me,but Don just shook his head,and smirked.
After a short period of time,Ella walked away sobbing as Don started chuckling. When Harlekias saw this,he was enraged wanting deeply to hurt him. That's when Alva chimed in,and says I can take him out,and i'll do it in a very "Elite" way.. He says smirking,grabbing some shives,and ready to throw them.
Harlekias nods,but Hilda,and Wolfgang shake their heads in disagreement. Not a good idea.. Wolfgang says,as she points towards the top of the Dome where patrols stood watch.
If we attack him,he would be spotted,and so would we,giving away our position..says Hilda rolling her eyes. I nod my head in agreement,not wanting to look like a wuss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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