I forgot to post this a/n

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Hey guys its Delta and I forgot to put this in my last chapter

First thing first my official wattpad and OC name is Delta and she is a long furred brown cat to clear out se confusion that's been going on

Second most of everyone's personalities is based on my head canon from Corrupted angel so read that if you wish

Basic summary of the D gang

Demons created to kill the others, creator currently unknown and the D gang dont even know who is controlling them or why they feel this emotions

Yes they all died before not the deaths from the hardcore quest but from different deaths, read corrupted angel or ask those who have

Okay third updates

Do you all want daily updates, I can mostly provide daily updates though you'll have to submit your questions that day before I publish the next one the next morning

Also you guys kinda have to help who you want to win the whole duni and ddawn ship was that's going on

Or you can just sit back and watch

Cast your votes below

We have

Ddawn and Duni

Dory and Duni

Don and Ddawn

I take cash or credit so fast your bets/slash votes and let the ship wars begin

Results will be drafted by next next week

So we have two weeks basically


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