Nova from the future

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Here's the basic information on Nova

Name: Spectral Nova, Nova for short
Age: 19
Gender: female
Titles: Princess Nova of the delta kingdom, mixed angel, wolf kin of the angels
Parents: Uni comics and Cory Carter
Race: human delta wolf mix
Stature: human anthro
Weapon: magic, fire
Appearance: she is about 5'7 with dark blue eyes and long black and silver hair, its dyed. Light brown skin and has dog like paws with black fur which she also dyed. Black wolf ears and fluffy tail, black angel wings with silver feather tips from her father.
Likes: stars and anything strange and mysterious
Personality: serious like her mother but can turn like a hyper teenage girl when she sees something out out the ordinary
Overview: princess of the delta kingdom and one of the first delta wolves with angel blood. She is very talented in magic and is trying to prove the existence of other universe. Can switch personalities with the drop of a hat. Has no love intrested currently since science is her soul mate. If she did have a D form it would be name Dova


Nova: your Don your so adorable,I've heard so much about you

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Nova: your Don your so adorable,I've heard so much about you

Don: really umm I'm really nothing special

Nova: *sniff* *sniff* you smell like cinnamon..I LOVE CINNAMON

Don: guys please help me...

Tommy: Ashlie is okay for being a small cranium loser


Tommy: ugh drat, my kids better shred

Nova: big time

Nick: whoa whoa

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Nick: whoa whoa

Ashlie: who said you couldn't

Nick: Ash we arent dating anymore dont encourage them

Nick: Ash we arent dating anymore dont encourage them

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Nova: I know I'm fabulous

Uni: this is definitely Cory's child



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Ashlie: I think I'm gonna cry I'm so happy

Uni: calm down

Ashlie: can i braid your hair

Nova: sure thing aunt Ashlie

Ashlie:....I'm gonna cry

The D gang cant exactually have kids, they weren't ment to do that

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The D gang cant exactually have kids, they weren't ment to do that. The closes things to them having a child is Nova's D version Dova.

 The closes things to them having a child is Nova's D version Dova

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*pulls out list*

Here is the list of people who do have children or adopted

● Tommy and Nick had children

●Ashlie adopted

●Jon adopted, reason will be explained later

● you already know Nova

That's all the ones who did have children

Again the D gang cant have children and the closes thing is the original gang having D versions of their children

Hope this makes sense for the future

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