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"Come on, Y/n! Just push yourself a little more, remember what I showed you!"

Pushing yourself. You know, the thing you do when you're determined about overcoming a barrier and accomplishing a milestone; when you want to prove to yourself that you can do it. That's what the goal has been as of recent, proving yourself not only to your team but to you. What's the point of being on a team when you have the constant feeling of never being able to amount to what your team can do both banded together and as their own separate hero?

So then you make the decision to get help, to want to know more about what you can do and how you can channel that part of you to help in battle. But, even with coming to that decision how would you fair when no one can spare the time of day?

"I thought I had one more to go with Vision? Isn't he going to help me with my powers?" In reality, she wouldn't be upset over free time but this was the fifth-time training regarding her powers were pushed aside for some greater issue, not that she wanted to put herself before the safety of others.

How would you feel when one of your friends had the chance to do what you wanted to do constantly, to use their powers and go around helping people the way you always wanted to?

"Where were you that you had to come in costume?" She inquired, eyebrows raising slightly as she put her laptop on the center table. "Oh, it was just a simple bank robbery, nothing big though, it was one of those small ones on the corner of 5th and 6th." He shrugged it off as if saying he had gone to Game Stop or some other casual place, which elicited a pang in Y/n's heart, her words from training earlier echoing in her mind. "Oh."

Sometimes, you have to take chances into your own hands and help yourself to get the job done, but will it be as fruitful as you want it to be? Do you believe the outcome would have been the same as one where you were to wait for someone from your team to help you out?

Well. There's only one way to find out.

Amazing Like You (Peter Parker x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя