Chapter 1: Training

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Summary: Y/n struggles with trying to unlock her full potential of being on the Avengers team, growing restless of training with hand-to-hand combat and wanting to discover what her powers hold for her.

Note: For the story's purpose the reader's superpower is called Emotional Empowerment, I linked it here ( ) so you can have more information on what it fully is (the story will go more in-depth about it in later chapters). Also: Y/N/N = Your nickname, Also also: for the sake of this story Peter is 18, and you know why (in the movie he's 15 I believe and this will NOT work with a 15 year old)


"Come on, Y/n! Just push yourself a little more, remember what I showed you!"

Natasha coached off in the sidelines, her hands gripped tightly in encouraging fists as she watched the young girl knock one of the simulated training bad guys on their back with a swift kick.

Y/n grunted in reply before ducking a punch that was aimed at her face. Quickly putting her fists up to cover her, she lunged to the right and landed a hook to the next simulation's ribs, then spun around to elbow the man in his face and finished him off with another punch to the face; sending him flying to the ground.

There was a moment of silence as the simulations slowly faded away, slight panting escaping Y/n's lips before throwing her head back in a deep groan.

"Alright, that was way better than last time, I have to say that was a very good combo of the elbow and the punch, but, in the future you'll want to actually keep your back to the perpetrator when you elbow them, to spare yourself the time of having to spin again for the punch. It'll also give you more power within the finishing blow." Nat smiled reassuringly while patting the young girl on her shoulder. "But you did great overall, that'll be enough training for today."

Finally catching her breath Y/n tilted her head in confusion, "I thought I had one more to go with Vision? Isn't he going to help me with my powers?"

In reality, she wouldn't be upset over free time but this was the fifth-time training regarding her powers were pushed aside for some greater issue, not that she wanted to put herself before the safety of others.

The thing was, Y/n had the ability of emotional empowerment, so through her emotions she was able to do things like gain super strength or create blasts of energy from her body; heck she could even create another form of herself if she generated enough energy to do so. But, with all of the available Avengers being busy she wasn't able to explore that side of her, since most of her training was kept strictly to hand-to-hand combat.

"Not today, Tony has him doing some duties for SHIELD so you're free for the rest of your day." Natasha would have left it at that if it weren't for the look of disdain that flashed over Y/n's features; her motherly nature kicking in for the moment. "Alright, what's up? I thought you'd be happy to finally have time to relax; you've been training yourself to death for the past three weeks!"

Y/n looked at the red-head sheepishly, realizing that her emotions had given her away.


"Well, not that I'm happy for free time, it's just that..." She let a small sigh breeze past her lips, "I haven't gotten the hang of my powers and I just feel like I won't be able to do anything in battle if I never get the chance to see what I can do. And it's easy for you guys to handle yourselves, I mean, Steve is basically a genetically modified super human, Clint has his arrows, Tony has his suit, Bruce is a beast!" She slightly laughs at her comparisons but continues on with her point, "You have your kick ass skills, Wanda has her powers, Vision is... Vision, and Peter is Spider-Man! Out of you guys I'm just... A girl who can throw a few punches here and there."

Y/n wasn't much of a person to put herself down in front of another person but these were just the facts of her continuous pondering. Natasha smiled softly and shook her head, putting her hand on Y/n's shoulder gently, offering her support.

"Hey, you're apart of this team just as we are, so what if you haven't been able to see what you can do? Do you think Peter just showed up under Tony's arm and instantly became a part of the team?"

"I mean..."

"No, that's not what happened. He had to go through training and discover things on his own along with what he had to offer him as well. I'm not trying to compare you to him I'm just saying; it takes time. Don't try to rush yourself Y/n, it'll come naturally. So, take the rest of the day to relax, you deserve it."

With that final statement, Natasha pulled her into a short hug before walking out of the training room, leaving Y/n to reprocess her advice.

After a long, hot shower, and some self-talking to, Y/n heeded Natasha's advice, slipping into some comfy PJ's and curling up on the couch in the living room of the Stark tower with her laptop. Within an hour of browsing through multiple websites the tower's elevator dinged, signaling that someone has come back. "Hello?" Y/n's cheeks heated to a soft pink as she quickly recognized who the voice belonged to. "Hey Peter!" She sat up and looked over the back of the couch to see Peter looking at her with a smile.

Upon further inspection, not that she was checking him out or anything, she saw that he had his Spider-Man suit on with a hoodie on over the top.

"Where were you that you had to come in costume?" She inquired, eyebrows raising slightly as she put her laptop on the center table.

"Oh, it was just a simple bank robbery, nothing big though, it was one of those small ones on the corner of 5th and 6th." He shrugged it off as if saying he had gone to Game Stop or some other casual place, which elicited a pang in Y/n's heart, her words from training earlier echoing in her mind.


"Yeah, but do you happen to know where Mr. Stark is? I wanna talk to him about this new concept I have about my suit." Peter's voice was laced with giddiness and excitement, seeming to only further cause pain to Y/n.

'He's so clueless...' She thought sadly before humming, pretending to be in thought. "He might be in his lab, I think I remember him saying something about fixing this thing with his own suit, I don't know."

Of course, she knew, she had joked with him hours ago when he caught her reading on the couch before descending to his lab. "Okay, thanks Y/N/N!" He shot a friendly smile her way before calling the elevator, hearing the light ding then hopping inside to ride it down.

Y/n huffed out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, slumping down against the arm of the couch. "At least someone is out there taking down robbers..." A wash of sadness covered her before being transformed into determination. If no one was going to teach her the ways of controlling her powers then she would just have to help herself, and the only way to do that was to seek out a real situation where she'd need to use them.

She was going to find herself a crime to stop.

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