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Summary: After some time of healing and apologizing, Y/n learns from her mistakes and faces a little bit of tough love. 

Note: I definitely did not forget to update the final chapter of this story here! (Yeah I did, why am I even trying to lie) But here it is for those who waited! I apologize but it totally slipped my mind. Enjoy!


A week after the event at the bank Y/n was not able to catch a break from Natasha's ruthless motherly, mentor ways. Tough love? Yeah, the toughest form of love Y/n had ever endured.

"Alright I want you to do that again! That was a great run through, let's see if you can do it over!" Natasha yelled from the watch deck, a stern expression on her face as she watched the younger girl rest her hands on her knees.

"Nat," Y/n huffed, the sickening feeling of her sweat drenched clothes sticking to her body only emphasizing her exhaustion, "I, can I get a break? You... You've been making me run this routine for hours!"

"Oh yeah? Well you had me pacing the halls of the medical bay for hours so maybe this will teach you to not try to stop bank robberies by yourself!"

"I didn't mean to!"

Suddenly the sliding doors opened on the lower level, revealing a slightly winded Peter as he jogged through, shooting a worried glance at Y/n before looking up at Natasha, "HI, uh, sorry to interrupt but Mr. Stark needs to see Y/n right now, super high-tech situation, suit modifications, measurements, numbers, you know."

Natasha sighed, pinching the space between her eyebrows before waving her hand, "Alright, that'll be enough for today, but, Y/n, if you do that to me again I'll make you run laps around this entire building until I say stop."

Y/n nodded hastily, relief washing over her sore body as she waddled over to Peter, "I won't, I promise!"

She slung her arm around Peter's neck, wobbling slightly as her legs dared to give out. Peter tentatively wrapped an arm around her waist, leveling her balance before walking out of the training room with a small smile.

"So, what does Stark need me for, exactly?" Y/n mused, focusing her glance on the floor to motivate her to continue moving despite the screaming of her sore muscles.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get you out of Ms. Romanov's brutal training, even if it's out of love" A silly smirk made its way to Peters pink lips, Y/n's head whipping up to look at him in amazement.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. You're telling me that Mr. Peter Parker lied to get me out of training? You've got it bad, spidey-boy!" She teased in a sing-song voice, though her face felt hotter than the sun.

"I mean, what can I say? I did the exact same thing when I wanted to become an Avenger and it ended with me getting my suit taken!" He chuckled lightly at the memory, knowing that he still had the Hello Kitty pajama pants in the back of his closet, "But that's besides the point, I only saved you for today, she's been working you hard ever since you got better."

"I know, but she means well! You should have seen her after you left my room to tell everyone I was awake, she hugged me for what seemed like half an hour telling me how worried she was and how she was going to personally assassinate those guys if I didn't make a full recovery." Y/n gushed, her heart warming at the motherly affection Natasha showed her. "Anyways, all I want to do now is shower and fall on my bed."

"You can fall on me," Peter spoke without thought, continuing their pace down the hall. If it weren't for him holding her up, Y/n would have fallen right then and there.

"P-Peter what?!"

His face lit up a bright pink almost immediately as his mind caught up with his mouth, "O-Oh no! No, no I-I didn't mean it like that! I-I meant to s-say, uh, that you could come to my room, if you want, and we could relax and m-maybe watch a movie?" He silently cursed his stuttering as he avoided looking at the slightly shorter girl next to him, which was harder said than done since she was constantly in his peripherals.

Giggling lightly, Y/n pressed her hand to his cheek, guiding his head to face her as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes. All senses of nervousness and embarrassment seemed to wash away as Peter stared back, his eyebrows raising in a mix of concern and confusion.

"I'd love to, just let me shower and change, and I'll meet you there."

The confidence in her voice calmed his erratically beating heart, before feeling her press a gentle kiss to his flushed cheek. Before he had the chance to react she pulled away from him to continue her path to her room with a little bounce in her step.

Peter smiled, his stomach erupting into a million butterflies as he watched her round the corner, "I'd love to be amazing like you." He murmured, feeling his smile grow before making his way to his room to prepare for possibly the best movie day he's ever had.

Amazing Like You (Peter Parker x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz