Chapter 2: Finding Crime to Fight Crime

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Summary: Now fueled on doing things herself, Y/n begins the tedious and long struggle of finding herself a crime to stop, even if the others can help her or not; even if it meant hiding her intentions from a certain Web-Slinger.

Note: This is going to be a pretty long one so I'm still trying to get used to formatting the spaces between talking and general narration so let me know what you guys think! Also: e/c = eye color, s/c = skin color


A week had gone by with little to no success coming towards Y/n's plan of putting her unused powers into action. It all started out with one simple task; asking.

*One Week Ago*

Tony had his nose stuck in his work on his desk, eyes scanning over various tiny parts that seemed to belong to some much larger contraption encased within one of his many blueprints. He sat up in his swivel chair, going to turn around to face another one of his desks, only to come face to face with Y/n.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

Placing a hand over his chest he attempted to catch his bearings, glaring at the h/c haired young lady.

"Hey Tony!" She happily exclaimed, completely ignoring the fact that she had scared him half to death, "I have a huge favor to ask you, so please think about it with all the consideration in your heart."

Tony eyed her suspiciously, placing his hands on his knees, "Alright kiddo, shoot."

Taking a deep breath, Y/n put on a thousand-dollar smile and tilted her head ever so slightly, "Will you PLEASE help me learn more about my powers?" She pleaded, clasping her hands together in a pleading motion.

Tony hummed in thought, looking off into space as he considered the pros and cons of this predicament he had found himself into. "You see kiddo, I would love to, but I'm currently tasked with making improvements on my suit, Parker's suit, and anything else that seems to have my name on it; but, you should ask Cap, I think he's free."

And thus, the wild goose chase of finding someone to help her had begun.

Things seemed to only get worse from there, from Cap having to go on a mission somewhere, Natasha and Clint being MIA, and Wanda having to attend meetings for something she couldn't even mention. Anyone else was either busy, missing, or Y/n just didn't feel like bothering them.

*The Current Day*

Y/n huffed, recalling how the next three days of that week had consisted of her doing research and trying to self-train which, though sounded like it was going well, got her no where to where she wanted to be with her powers. It didn't help that in the meantime the news was littered with the accomplishments of everyone's 'friendly neighborhood Spider-Man'.

With today being Sunday, she expected things to be slow, so instead of cooping herself up inside of her room with more strenuous hours of reading she decided on going out for a walk.

"Hey Y/n, where are you headed to?" Peter asked as he caught her coming out of her room shrugging on a light blue jacket over a simple graphic tee and a pair of leggings. She seemed to be holding something behind her back, but it wasn't enough for Peter to question her about it.

"Out for a walk, just to clear my head is all."

With all the talk of Peter rising to fame she had slowly started to withdraw herself from him, only having small conversations here and there, and if he were in his suit she would barely even look at him; and he was slowly beginning to catch on to this change.

"Do you mind if I go with you? I'd love to catch up with you, I feel like we haven't spoken in days." He had tried his best to be casual, though the budding blush and the feeling of nervousness overcoming his senses.

"Uh, I'm sorry Pete, do you mind if I just went solo on this one? I just need some time to myself if that's okay." It honestly broke her heart to reject the chance of them having time together, but if she was going to figure out how to find her true potential she needed to do it alone.

Peter felt his heart constrain at her words but fought to keep the smile he had on his face, "Sure! It's fine, maybe some other time."

He watched as Y/n returned a rather sad smile back at him, slowly beginning her way back to the elevators.

"Hey, Y/n?"

She turned looking back to Peter, her head tilting slightly which sent chills down his spine. "Keep yourself safe, okay?" She gave him a smile that caused his heart to swell and his stomach fill with a sense of warmth before turning to continue her way to the elevators.

Walking out into the streets of New York Y/n took a deep breath before walking in the direction of the nearest bank. She did some digging and after two days of hard work she finally figured out where she would have her big break.

There was going to be a robbery at one of the banks notorious for their dangerous robberies, and she was going to stop it.

All. By. Herself.

She knew it was going to be risky doing it solo but this is exactly the break she needed to get a real feel for her powers and what she could do. Pushing down the growing sense of fear she trekked on, tightening her grip on her small black book bag she had hidden from Peter's eyes and kept her head high as she soon blended with the hustle and bustle of the New York life.

Soon the cream pillars of the bank came into view as the name shined in gold lettering from the sunlight; Saint James Bank. Her e/c eyes scanned the outside of the bank, looking for any tip offs about the robbers, but surprisingly there was nothing.

"Wow, these guys are either running late or they chickened out." She smirked to herself before heading towards the entrance of the bank.

The inside was as polished as the outside, cool air conditioning fanning over her s/c skin as she was welcomed to three metal detectors and five security officers; three of which who were managing the metal detectors.

"Ma'am please place your bag on the conveyor and place anything metal in the bin." One guard spoke, holding out a basket for her to place her belongings.

Y/n looked up at the guard and nodded with a small smile before taking note of the tattoo that laid along his neck, it seemed to be the wing of a bird but the rest was too covered to tell.

After a minute of taking her phone out and placing it with her back she stepped through the detector, satisfied as the light above turned green in approval. She took her bag and phone before heading towards the small waiting area, deciding to be on steak out until the robbery happened. Every so often she would look towards the door to keep count of how many guards were in the building, in case something would slip past them while they handled other people who were coming into the bank.

Hours went by and there wasn't even the slightest trace of any type of change, causing Y/n to sigh and put her head in her hands, ultimately falling into a short sense of despair. If this wasn't her chance to test herself that what's the point of being with the Avengers?

Suddenly, just as she was gathering herself to leave several gun shots echoed throughout the bank, followed by screams and shouts. Whipping around in her chair, Y/n quickly spotted where the shots came from, the same guard who had granted her access into the bank now held a gun in his hand, dust surrounding him as the shots fired off were targeted into the ceiling.

"Alright, everyone shut up! This can go smoothly for all of you, and if you cooperate we won't have to kill anyone; well, not if we don't want to."

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