Chapter 4: Bandages and Confessions

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Summary: After waking up in the medical bay Y/n has a lot of explaining to do to Peter.

Note: Chapter four (this chapter) will be the final chapter for this series, but I do plan on doing an Epilogue! Cheers to my first finished series, and the second series posted! I'm no where close to being done with writing, especially for baby boy Peter/Tom Holland ;) **Italics show a flashback scene**


Y/n groaned softly, her senses slowly coming to life as her ears were filled with a painful white noise.

Closing her eyes tightly she sucked in a slow breath, slight twinges of pain sending shocks to her now awakened body. Opening her eyes, she quickly recognized the room she was in, it was one of the many medical rooms in Avenger's tower.

A deep frown graced her slightly puffed bottom lip, remembering what had transpired before she passed out, tears stinging the back of her eyes as she closed them with a sigh. She quickly opened them, however, when she felt the side of her bed shift slightly. Looking down she spotted Peter's beautiful brown hair framing his sleeping face as it rested on her bed.

She scanned his features slowly, his face void of all color and his eyes slightly puffed, his hair was tousled and frizzed, possibly from him running his hands through it.

She smiled sadly, he always did that whenever he was stressed or worried, something she had grown to love about him. Stretching her hand down, she lightly traced her fingers along the side of his face, her fingertips dancing along his jaw and landing on his chin.

He stirred slightly, letting out a sigh before opening his eyes tiredly; Y/n noticing that the natural brown was also surrounded by red, which caused her heart to break. Peter sat up quickly, smiling and taking her hand in his, tracing his thumb over her bruised knuckles.

"You're awake..." His voice was soft, but she knew he had been crying, possibly for the duration of how long she had been out.

"Yeah... I am."

They stayed in silence for a moment, the sounds of soft breathing filling the atmosphere.

"Why...?" Peter spoke, his voice filled with confusion and slight anger.

Y/n didn't speak, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Why?" He repeated, holding her hand tighter as his own shook slightly. "Why did you go there by yourself? You could have gotten yourself killed!" He spoke, his tone growing louder with each word.

She chewed her cheek as she felt her bottom lip tremble at his words.

"What were you trying to do back there? I can't believe you didn't tell me, Y/n! I could have been there with you... You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I was there..."

Once she heard his voice crack her eyes instantly went to his face, hers wide as her tears fell. His head was bent down as his body shook, tears slowly sliding down his cheeks and towards the floor.

"When I... When I saw him with his hand around your neck I... I got so mad I wanted to kill him, but Tony... And-And when I saw you on the floor I felt my heart break. You looked so... broken. I couldn't stand seeing you in that much pain..." He stopped to take in a breath, shaking his head as if to get rid of the images in his mind.

Y/n squeezed his hand tighter before letting out a broken cry, her chest heaving as tears continued to stream down her face. She wanted to stop, she wanted to woman up and deal with what she put herself through but she just felt so defeated.

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