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When Detective Holmes and Lieutenant Saunders arrived at the scene, there were already a few police cars and the Forensic unit truck.

The entire home was taped off, and there was an indistinct noise of chatter, stemming from the many different conversations that were had all over.

The Captain stood outside the front door, which was left wide open, talking to another officer. "I guess we can rule out Mr. Roberts." He sighed, referring to the man who'd found Amanda's body at the cemetery. "We still have him at the precinct for questioning."

He turned and faced the home with another sigh, running a hand down his face. Holmes and Saunders made their way to him and Holmes allowed her gaze to wander to the home.

It was a two-story home with old, chipping white paint. It was obvious that the home had stood on the property for a while, being that each time an officer walked in or out, there was the obvious creaking of wood. All of the windows were boarded, indicating that this was not a home that anyone occupied anymore.

"Again?" Saunders asked, shoving a hand into his pocket.

The Captain nodded. "Yes. Again." He dropped his hand at his side. "We've got to move quicker and stop this man."

Angela looked at the Captain. "Maybe we can call-"

He cut her off. "No. August lost his badge for a reason." He snapped.

"Well who was the victim this time? Maybe there's-" Saunders started.

"A pattern. A common variable. Something to tell us who he could possibly target next." Holmes completed the statement and Saunders nodded.

"Exactly." He turned his gaze to the Captain. "Do we have an ID on the victim?"

The Captain shook his head. "Not yet. She's inside in the bedroom if you want to take a look at the scene."

The two detectives nodded and then Holmes followed Saunders into the old farmhouse. They ascended the stairs, entering the bedroom the Captain mentioned.

"Oh my..." Holmes covered her mouth, glancing over at Saunders who had his brows furrowed with a frown on his face.

"Adrianna Hancock." Saunders spoke.

He cast a glance at Holmes and looked at the young woman once more.

"We just talked to her..." Angela spoke.

Julie glanced over at the two. "You know her?"

"We spoke to her. She knew Amanda." Saunders explained.

Detective Holmes continued to stare at the woman until her eyes fell on something clutched tightly in the woman's hand.

It was a note...just like the one Amanda held.

She walked over, tugging it from the girl's hand and glancing at Saunders and Julie as she unfolded it.

Neither of them said a word, remembering just as she had, the note from before.

Coming here was step number 1

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