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Amanda Hendricks. Aged 24. Born April 1, 1994.

Officer Holmes examined the pictures and the file in front of her.

The woman they had found in the cemetery. Amanda...that was her name. Amanda was a student at UCLA, having gone back to school for her masters in teaching early childhood education.

She worked two part time jobs to pay for school, one at the campus library, and the other as an English tutor for those whose first language was not English.

She was on track to graduate in the upcoming two semesters, being that she loaded her plate with classes and excelled. She was the model student.

Her picture was taped neatly to the first page of the file and Holmes frowned.

She wondered what the man who murdered this woman felt that she had done to deserve it

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She wondered what the man who murdered this woman felt that she had done to deserve it.

And who was going to be next.

She slowly perused the file once more, pulling out her notepad to jot down important points and names or locations.

Across from her at the desk, Lieutenant Saunders toyed with a pen between his fingers and tapped his free hand on the mahogany surface that separated them.

His eyes surveyed Holmes as she remained oblivious while looking for clues.

"Should we start with her jobs?" She asked. "Maybe we'll find something unusual."

This was when she raised her gaze and met his as he stared at her with an unreadable expression. "Yeah. Sounds good to me." Those were the words that left his mouth, but his mind was running wild with thoughts not pertaining to the case.

Thoughts pertaining to Officer Holmes. The reason why their last case didn't go well. His wedding band meant nothing to him at the moment, in fact, many people didn't even know he was married since he never wore his ring at work.

"Should we split up to cover both jobs at once? Or go together?" Officer Holmes asked.

Her gaze had returned to the file, but Saunders' gaze remained on her. He licked his lips and stopped tapping on his desk.

"Together. In case something happens." He spoke.

Really, he didn't care about the dead woman or the case. He cared about the woman sitting across from him and what things he'd do to her if she ever gave him the chance.

When the statement left his mouth, Holmes nodded and stood from her seat. She shut her notepad and headed for the door to his office as he stood from his seat and watched her walk.

He tucked his pistol away and attached his badge to his waistband before fixing his suit jacket over both items and carefully buttoning the bottom button alone.

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