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Waking up in the morning Vanya realized with a shudder that it was her first day in class nine. To her utter surprise she became aware that it was her thirteenth year in that school. She moved from her bed. Sleep covered her eyes and she was drouzing all around. After having her breakfast she went to the bus stop waiting for the school bus. There her seniors and juniors gave her a warm welcome.
When the bus reached school, Vanya stepped her foot inside the premises. By that time a fear attacked her heart.

"Who'll be my class teacher for the next two years?", Vanya wondered.

Basically class eight was a hell disaster for Vanya. All the disgusting, irritating and fucking disasters of her life occurred during that time. So in class nine she was expecting a teacher who would be lineant and soft-hearted. The classroom was cooked with fear, tension, anxiety and hypertension. Everyone had a sigh of relief when they came to know that their class teacher was none other than Mrs. Surekha Roy, an wonderful lady whose hair cut, dressing style and funny dialogues can never make anyone apart.

That day a small crisis was going on between two sections. A lovely girl named Snigdha was shifted to the same section in which Vanya belonged. At first she wasn't happy with the decision. A cute and beautiful girl entered the classroom with a fearful heart and an irritating face. Mrs Roy made her sit beside Vanya. This was the "first meeting" of Vanya and Snigdha. They came across each other as strangers and gradually turned into best friends with the flow of the time. In the mean phase they made an unbreakable bond.

"Its such a bond that a single soul is dwelling in two separate bodies.", Vanya and Snigdha concluded.

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