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Few days passed. Snigdha went to the hospital and accepted Vanya's application for a donor and responded to be her donor.

"We need to do some tests to identify whether Vanya and yours bone marrow are of same match.", doctor said.

"I'm ready for every kind of tests."

After having the tests, the reports proved that Snigdha's bone marrow matched with Vanya and she could be her donor. Snigdha was overwhelmed after hearing this.

"I'll inform Vanya and do a chemo session with her tomorrow to remove her damaged cells."

Snigdha agreed with a nod.

"Doctor, I'm not feeling well now. I'll meet Vanya tomorrow after her chemo session in the hospital. Please inform Vanya."

"Vanya, we have found a donor for you. But she will meet you tomorrow after your chemo session. Your donor's name is Mrs. S. Ghosh.", doctor called Vanya.

They gave the news to Shivam, Snigdha, Shravan and Sana who were overjoyed. Snigdha thought of revealing the truth of being Vanya's donor after the chemo session. She thought of giving a surprise to her.

The next day they went to the hospital for Vanya's chemo session.

"Are you ready for the treatment?", doctor asked.

"Yes, but can I meet my donor once?"

"Your donor has promised to turn up after your chemo session."

"Vanya, you don't need to worry. Whoever the donor is, I'm sure she is your well-wisher.", Snigdha said.

Vanya made a positive nod and she was taken inside the operation theatre.

"Congratulations! The operation is successful.", the doctor said, "Now the bone marrow must be inserted within two weeks. But atfirst, you all need to meet the donor and we need to operate the donor for transplantation of the bone marrow."

"Vanya, meet your donor.", the doctor pointed at the lady at the door. She came inside the ward.

To everyone's utter surprise, the donor was Snigdha.

"Snigdha, are you the donor?", Shivam asked.

"Yes, our bone marrow matched and so I thought to give you all a surprise."

Snigdha went beside Vanya and said, "As I told you that I would remove the cancer from its roots and protect you, I kept my promised."

Everyone were happy by seeing Snigdha and Vanya's love for each other. But Vanya's face was filled with tension and worry. She furiously asked Snigdha, "Why didn't you consult this with me? You should have informed this to me once.

" Aren't you happy with this? ", Aarav asked Vanya.

But Vanya ignored his words and looked at Snigdha. She said to her, "Did you go through the whole article on donation of bone marrow?"

"No, but is there any need?"

"Did you tell doctor that you are pregnant now?"

"No, but what is the relation of my pregnancy with this?"

"What? Snigdha, are you pregnant now?", doctor interfared.

"Yes, but is there any complications?"

"Snigdha, you can't be a donor.", Vanya added, "You will not be allowed to donate stem cells while you are pregnant as the procedure may entail you undergoing general anaesthesia (for bone marrow donation) or receiving medications to increase your white blood cells (for stem cell donation) that have not been tested on pregnant women, and hence not proven safe for the foetus."

" And if you still take the risk of donating your bone marrow during pregnancy then either you will give birth of a dead child or the child will be physically disabled and mentally challenged. ", doctor said.

Everybody was shocked on hearing this.

" But Vanya has very little time with her. It's about one week. As we have removed the damaged cells from her body, she will not be able to produce new cells unless a bone marrow is inserted in her body. Remember, she is in a very critical state and her condition is detoriating. ", doctor informed.

" Doctor, can we take her home? "

" Yes, but she must be kept under observation. Keep a nurse with her for twenty four hours. Vanya should not take any stress. After one week, she might need an oxygen mask too. It will become very difficult for her to inhale naturally. And Mr. Aarav, you have to be with her as her support. By the way, Vanya should not be allowed to take her daughter, Sanaya in her lap. Remember, he is very weak now. "

"Aarav, don't worry. I'll take care of Sanaya.", Snigdha said.

"Shivam, Snigdha and you should stay in Vanya's house for few days. Even she needs you now.", Shravan said.

But would it be the emd of Vanya?

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