The day it all started

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He walked up to me, he smiled and said, " hello I've heard heaps about you." I just smiled.
He was moving his things in to our house. Mum and I had never had a male living with us, so I was nervous. He was always smiling at me and saying that I look nice, that I'm smart. I started talking to him, Mum said she had to go to work and so she asked me if I would be fine with her boyfriend looking after me and I said yes because he seem nice. It was 7:00pm and Mum didn't get home till 10:00pm and her boyfriend let me eat ice cream and watch movies, once it was bed time he tucked me In and said goodnight. Everything went fine that night.
The next day I woke up and I saw him starring at me through the crack of my door so I got up and he knocked and came in and said " morning sunshine, wanna go bowling today just me and you?". So I said sure why not and he went into Mum and said Rose Mary wants to go bowling with just me. Mum was so happy that we bonding so I went along with it and things went as plan bowling with just him and I. We got home and Mum had to go to work again so we did the same thing ice cream then bed. It continued like that for about a month.
It was about a month now since he started looking after me and we were like best friend we would play together and watch movies but he said we should play a game call ' get it right or take something off' so how to play this game  you had to answer a question and then if you get it wrong you had to take your clothes off and if you got it right you didn't and you got to choose what clothes the other person had to take off. So far I was winning and mums boyfriend had his shoes, socks and hat off. He asked me what year did a celebrity died and I had no idea and so he told me to take my jumpsuit off and so I did and then he was winning and then he said "since I won we have to do something I like to do with mummy" and I said "ok".
We went into my room and then he said "but you can't tell mummy other wise she'll get mad because she only likes to play the game with me" and I said "ok".
He put me on my bed naked and said this won't hurt and then he sexually assaulted me for 20 minutes and after he said " if you tell Mummy I'll kill you" and I said "ok".
Every night he did this to me and Mum never found out.

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