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The fact that I had to see him after 1 month was nerve wracking and I was scared, we got to the courthouse and sat outside till they got here and Mum told me "Don't be nervous, just say what you told them at the police station and don't worry I'll be there". She made me feel a lot better, Mum always seem to comfort me in the worst situations. We start to walk in the the courthouse and my grandma gets there I gave her a massive hug. Court was pretty scary since all the attention went on to me I had to say what he did, he even said he wasn't guilty but he was it got to the end and he said he was guilty and he was put in jail for 20 years and 5 years house arrest. I was happy that he got locked up.
I decided that I would share my story with the world and help kids speak out and don't be shy.

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