Out There

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A/N: I've come to notice that Alec and Magnus's personalities are kind of switched in this story. Making Magnus timid is harder than you think it would be.

The warlock of Notre Dame: Chapter Two- Out There.

Alec Pov- “I don’t know how many times I need to tell you to keep your head down and not cause a fuss. You are new to this town. It is idiotic to make enemies right out of the gate,” the leader of the Downworlders Defenders Society, Luke Garraway scolded, pinching the rim of his nose in irritation.

I sat on top of the stand he used to sell books, crossing my arms over my chest in irritation. “So I’m just supposed to ignore it when a Downworlder is obviously being falsely accused of something? That seems like the opposite of defending, if you ask me.”

The face he gave me told me he was not amused.

“Downworlders know the risks that come with Accords day. The Nephilim say that they won’t arrest them but they all know it's a lie. Nephilim will look for any reason to punish the ‘unworthy'.”

I rolled my eyes at that.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. The wicked shall not go unpunished and all that bull. It’s all my father ever talked about. Saying things like Downworlders need to be exterminated and put back in their place. It makes me sick.”

He shooed me off of his book stand, making me roll my eyes and hop off.

“The Downworlder discrimination in New York is nothing like it is here in Paris. You Americans are soft compared to these people. I’ve seen Valentine Morgenstern whip Downworlders in the street, just because they accidentally nudged a man.”

I frowned, thinking about the head of the Notre Dame institute. The guy gave me the creeps. He had a dark, powerful air about him that just screamed he was dangerous. I told him off today no problem, but deep down I was a little scared.

“You used to be his Parabatai, right Luke?”

He nodded, setting up the last of his books. “I was but when my attitude toward Downworlders changed, he wanted nothing to do with me. A werewolf saved my life when it would have been better for them to have me dead. That’s far from a monster.”

I leaned against his stall thinking before asking, “what’s it like having a Parabatai? I’ve always wanted one.”

He stayed silent, seeming to be trying to find the right words to describe it.

“It’s like having another part of yourself. Your Parabatai is the closest relationship you will ever have. Nothing compares to it. It's indescribable.”

I frowned looking down at my runeless, scared arms.

“I'll never experience such a thing. I’m no longer a Shadowhunter.”

Luke watched me for a moment before asking, “do you ever regret giving up your marks?”

I shook my head no. “Not really. If being a Shadowhunter means degrading others, then I want no part of it. The only time I ever regretted it was during the process of getting my marks removed.”

Getting your runes taken away was maybe the most painful thing anyone could ever go through. It's like tearing out your very soul. Everything that you ever were is gone, and you’re left with nothingness.

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