The Top of The World

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The Warlock of Notre Dame: Chapter Three- The Top of the World.

Alec Pov- “Why is it that every time there seems to be trouble with Nephilim, you are always the one in the middle of it,” Luke asked, pacing my bedroom floor back and forth. He was scolding me for getting involved with Magnus.

I crossed my arms over my chest frowning. “Why is it that every time I try to do my job of protecting Downworlders, I always get in trouble for it? That poor warlock was humiliated in front of all those people. He wasn’t even doing anything wrong to make him get punished like that. Valentine was just being a prick.”

Luke sighed, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “I can’t believe Valentine was hiding a warlock in the institute this entire time and I never knew. He didn’t even tell his Parabatai.”

“Clary says that her and Jocelyn didn’t know about it either. Valentine made the Bell tower off limits. No one could go up there so no one ever tried. Magnus says Jonathan Morgenstern knows about him though.”

Luke nodded. “Not surprising. Valentine trusts Jonathan above all else. He's his father’s perfect little clone.”

I shrugged. “Magnus made it sound like Jonathan was nice to him. Says he sneaks him scraps from dinner. Valentine only feeds him grapes.”

I frowned thinking in silence for a moment before looking at Luke. “What exactly do we do for the Downworlders we help?”

He shrugged. “It depends, if they are homeless we give them a place to stay at a secret hide out deep in town. If they are in trouble with Nephilim we try to get them out of it. Depending on what they did of course.”

I nodded thinking some more and glared when Luke flicked me in the forehead. “I know that look Alec. The wheels in your head are turning. What plan are you cooking up?”

“Okay, I do have a plan. It may sound a little crazy but please hold all judgement till after I explain it alright?”

He just crossed his arms, the look on his face already judging me.

“Gee, no trust. Anyway, I want to go to the Institute and convince Magnus to leave. We can hide him where you hide the rest of the Downworlders and then when he is ready, he can leave Paris and see the world.”

He stared at me for a silent moment before saying, “you are fucking crazy.”

“What’s so crazy about it? I’m a member of the Downworlders Defenders Society and Magnus is a warlock. He needs to see that there is more to life then wasting away in some tower. Valentine has spent all his life feeding him lies about how he is a monster. Magnus needs to know that the world isn’t as cruel as Valentine says.”

Luke frowned sadly at me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “Alec, you know as well as I do that the world is a cruel place. Yes, Valentine has no right to make Magnus feel like a monster. Even so, he may be safer in that Bell tower then anywhere else in the world. There aren’t many Warlocks left. He is in more danger of being killed if he's out in the world.”

A few years ago there was a big outbreak of warlock children being born. Seeing it as a threat to our kind, the Clave declared that all warlocks were to be exterminated. All those children were killed before even getting a chance to live.

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