Chapter 1

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Alright, I just want to say, I love Niall Horan, so I decided to make a fanfic about him! Enjoy!

- Lourdes

Chapter 1:


It was cold, as it usually is over here in the UK. Late November, the 25th. The afternoon sky was overcast with dark clouds, making it look as if it was about to pour any second now, and I ducked under the awnings of stores as I walked.

My boots hit the pavement with angry thuds, as I stared at my phone screen, a yell threatening to tear through my lips as I read my boyfriend's messages, and my fingers flew across the keyboard.

To: Ethan

Wait, so you cheated on me? With Talia? We're dating, Ethan. That means that we like each other and commit to each other. Is this some kind of sick joke? If it is, it's not funny and next time I see you I will slap you!

I replied to him, and waited for him to reply back:

From: Ethan

I'm sorry, it isn't a joke! Listen, she makes me feel amazing things.

To: Ethan

Ethan... I loved you. You said you loved me, too.

I waited until my phone vibrated and checked it quickly.

From: Ethan

Listen, J, I know I said I loved you. And I did. But that was before. I've met someone else, and she's amazing. I'm really sorry about all of this, but I just can't help it. I thought I knew what true love was when I met you. But now I know it wasn't, because what she makes me feel is incredible. So, as I'm sure you can tell, because you're the smartest person I've ever met, I'm breaking up with you. What we had was good for the 7 months it lasted, but it's over now. I'm sorry, Jade. You're brilliantly smart and beautiful, and you'll meet Romeo, but I'm not him. I'll see you around.

My brain refused to process what my eyes had just seen. I tugged my knitted gray cap tighter over my head and shivered in the cold as the wind blew locks of my long, straight, dark brown hair around me.

I continued walking faster. I'm not the type of person to stop and freeze when it comes to stuff like this. I totally have to be moving. Pacing, walking, running, fiddling with my hands, stuff like that. Or I eat a lot. That works, too.

As my "brilliant" mind finally came to terms with what was happening, tears filled my eyes. I let my finger scroll upwards to the messages he'd sent me just the night before. I stared at the little icon of the brown-eyed smiling boy I had saved to become his contact photo.

From: Ethan

Goodnight, J. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow

I remember smiling as I read that message late last night in my bedroom. I'd responded happily:

To: Ethan

I love you, too. Goodnight, bubz.

I blinked hard, raising a hand to rub the tears out of my eyes, but once gone, they flooded back as quick as they had left, blurring my vision.

I wiped them away again and blinked hard, forcing them back.

No, I told myself. I would not do this in public.

I'd always sworn to myself I would never cry in public. I was not going to start now.

I was still staring at my phone, and walking quickly, deliberately, biting my tongue so I wouldn't scream and I wouldn't cry, when I rammed into someone.

Love me, Romeo { One Direction } COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum