Chapter 15

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Dedicated to @Contagious_ for the GORGEOUS cover! Who else loves it so frickin much, like I do? :D

Chapter 15:


"Harry?" Niall timidly asked.

"Yes?" I said, monotonous.

"Why are you and Jade dating?"

I froze, and narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you mean, why?"

"I just... Never mind." He looked back down to his bowl of cereal.

"Why? Because you like her or something?" I demanded.

"No!" Niall said a little too quickly.

"We both know that's not true. Or at least, it wasn't true before."


"No!" I cried, "Let me finish!"

"Okay." he said quietly.

I stood up and began pacing.

"Jade is amazing."

"She is." He agreed softly.

"Stop interrupting, would you!"

"You hurt her." I continued. "You are still hurting her. She deserves the world, and you just keep hurting her! She is my best friend, and I love her so much! She's the bestest friend I could ever meet! And all you do is pick her up, then drop her like a broken toy!

"And I'm absolutely sick of it! So fix it! Fix her! I love her! So much more than a friend should!" I refrained from telling him exactly how much I loved her as more than just a friend. "I just don't understand why! She's sweet, beautiful, smart, charming, and she doesn't deserve all the pain you're giving her!"

Niall's blue eyes were wide, and they looked a bit wet, making the tiniest bit of guilt course through me, but I ignored it.

He nodded solemnly.

"But I don't even know what I did, Harry." He mumbled.

"Well, call me when you've figured it out." I stormed out, leaving him behind.


2 months later, and I was still 'dating' Harry.

I totally regretted the whole thing, and wanted it to end. I didn't even love Harry that way, and I couldn't believe I'd done this whole thing on a silly boy.

Okay, that was a lie. I did love Harry that way. I loved him so much. He was just so sweet and perfect to me, and I couldn't help my heart.

It loved who it loved.

I hadn't really spoken to Niall in weeks, and that crush I had on him was gone. I couldn't believe it had gotten that big.

We didn't even have that much in common anyways. Not like Harry and I did.

I didn't have feelings for Niall like that anymore, but it still really hurt. It was like the aftershock of an earthquake. He chose a fake girlfriend over me, and that's what hurt the most.

Harry showed up at my apartment door that day.

When he opened the door, I flew at him, attacking him with a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Hazza." I whispered into his curls, tears filling my eyes.

"For what?" Harry chuckled slightly.

"Everything." My voice came out choked. "For being so selfish and making you date me, and I just feel so terrible." I started really crying.

"Shhh, Kitty." Harry murmured, green eyes showing his concern.

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