Chapter 8

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Alright, broskies... I know I said this was on hold, but people want me to update... So I will :D

The main reason that this IS on hold, is because its a bit hard for me to write, but if you guys like it, I'll definitely update, because I love you guys <3 BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL TOTALLY AMAZAYN.

In fact, I might just go on an uploading spree for this, to finish it!



".... And its totally scaring me, Haz, because it's all my fault!" I finished my rant to Harry.

"Why is it scaring you?"

"Because he fu-- fracking kissed me!" I avoided saying 'fucking' because I knew Harry didn't like it.

Harry's green eyes met mine.

"Jadey... This is not your fault, okay?" He told me.

"Yes it is!" I burst out.

"How is it your fault that Niall kissed you?"

I struggled to find a real answer. "Because!"

"Because what?"


"Because what?" Harry asked again.


"This is getting us nowhere, Kitty."

"I know." I said.

Harry chuckled at my bluntness.

"Well..." He started, "Why don't you see how he reacts around you? If he says something about it, if he tells you he likes you, then it's not a bad thing."

"...But what if he totally ignores it." I replied quietly, pushing my hair away from my face.

"We'll figure that out if it happens." Harry said softly, pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged him back tightly, entangling my fingers into his soft, chocolate brown curls.

"You're amazing, Harry."

"So are you, Jadey." He hugged me tighter, and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Hazza." I whispered to him, letting the tears burn against my eyes.


Okay, Jade. I told myself. You can do this. It's okay. You can effing do this. Why did I not say fucking? Dang... Harry's rubbing off on me.

It was 2 days after Niall had kissed me, and we still hadn't spoken.

I walked down ths stairs that morning for breakfast when I saw Niall sitting there, eating a bowl of cereal.

He grinned at me brightly, and my heart fluttered. "Morning, Jade!"

"Morning!" I smiled back.

"Want some?" He pointed to his cereal bowl.

I sat down next to him. "Sure,"

He got up to get a bowl, milk, and some cereal. After living with me for a while, he kenw to put a few spoonfuls of sugar with my cereal.

What can I say, I like sugar.

"Think fast!" He said, and threw my me spoon.

I caught it!.... But only after tripping and landing on the hard ground.

Niall started laughing, and helped me up.

"Now I know not to play monkey in the middle with you." He said.

I rolled my eyes and elbowed him playfully.

You gonna mention kissing me at all, Niall?

Hours with him went by....

He didn't.


"I told you, Harry! I told you, I told you, I told you!" I said, resisting the urge to cry.

"Don't cry, Jadey. He isn't worth your tears." Harry said.

That didn't stop me from crying, it only made the tears spill down my face.

"You really like him... Don't you, Jade?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I said, my voice cracking.

"Well, what do you want to do about it?"

"I don't know... I mean... I just want to know if he likes me back."

"I'll ask him for you." Harry offered.

"But that'd be totally obvious!" I said.

"Not the way I'll say it, Jadey."

"You sure?" I clarified.

"Yes." He assured me, solemn green eyes staring into mine.

"Okay, Hazza, okay."

"Good. Now, I think you should have like a sleepover or something at Lissa's house. It'll be less obvious."

I stared at him, confusion probably written all over my face, "Okay?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Trust me." He said.

Unlike my last reply, this one I was completely sure of. "I trust you, Harry."


So, how was that? I'll start a new chapter now, because I actually want to finish this story now... Maybe I should take it off hold then haha.



Lissy Horan

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