Ummie | Kim Minhee

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name ; Kim Min Hee

stage name ; Ummie

position ; leader, lead vocalist, danceline, manager

age ; 21

training time ; 5 years (8 including time after debut)

orientation ; bisexual

nationality ; south korean

ethnicity ; half korean, half japanese

height ; 4'10

languages ; korean, japanese, most english

fc ; i_n_ar


likes ; anime, plushies, colorful things, soft/comfortable things

dislikes ; people making decisions for her, bitter foods

favourites ;

- colour ; white

- music artist ; chelsy

- food ; chocolate

- drink ; sea salt caramel latte

- animal ; puppies


personality ;

+ passionate

+ caring

+ responsible

– strict

– hides feelings

– indecisive

history ;

She was born in Tokyo, Japan. She lived there until she was about 4 years old and then moved to Seoul South Korea. Her father was a businessman and her mother a house wife. Because of her father's job, her family moved back and forth between Japan and Korea for about a year or so at a time. When she was 14 they decided it would be best if she continued her education in a stable setting.

Since then she lived with her uncle, a manager for a soloist. She then began training and watching the classes. She wanted to become a trainer and producer. She spent most of her time studying or training and became an assistant trainer at a young age.

She began training the newer trainees and later started to work with them in a more frequent basis. A few of these trainees were the other Promise members. She was working with them to become their manager and trainer but the company decided to debut her with them.


her mom is japanese, her dad is korean

3 siblings sister (14) brother (7) sister (5)

good at cooking and baking

stress cooker

laughs easily

breaks out into random Japanese when she gets scared or excited

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