Sammy | Sam Soori

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name ; Sam Soo Ri

stage name ; Sammy

position ; lead dancer, rap, vocals

age ; 19

training time ; 5 ( including time after debut)

orientation ; straight

nationality ; korean

ethnicity ; korean

height ; 5'5

languages ; korean

fc ; hyemi (hyemmm1)


likes ; music, exploring

dislikes ;

favourites ;

- colour ; blue

- music artist ; can't choose

- food ; hamburgers

- drink ; orange juice

- animal ; puppies


personality ;

+ hardworking

+ friendly

+ talkative

– impulsive

– gullible

– insecure

history ;

Soori grew up in Gangdam with her mom, grandmother, and older brother. Her dad works overseas in Thailand. She entered RK Ent. when she was 14 through her dance audition.


She has a dog named Jello who lives with her family.

She can play the guitar and a little piano, she composes and writes lyrics.

Promise LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora