Ruru | Tanigawa Ruru

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name ; Tanigawa Ruru

stage name ; Ruru

position ; main rapper

age ; 17

training time ; 4 years (including time after debut)

orientation ; straight

nationality ; Japanese

ethnicity ; Japanese

height ; 5'3

languages ; Japanese, Korean

fc ; Lee Jiyeon (jiyun_kitty)


likes ; soft, bright things, getting her nails done

dislikes ; ruffles, florals, getting dirty

favourites ;

- colour ; pink

- music artist ;

- food ; her mom's curry

- drink ; strawberry milk

- animal ; bunnies


personality ;

+ tomboyish

+ "extra"

+ outgoing

– hardheaded

– melodramatic

– fussy

history ;

She auditioned in Tokyo, Japan. She lived with her mom, dad, and younger sister. Ruru moved to Korea when she was 15 to continue her training.


She calls Minhee onee-can instead of unnie because they often talk with each other in Japanese instead of Korean.

She wanted to be a nail technician if she didn't become an idol.

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