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"stars can't shine without darkness"

"stars can't shine without darkness"

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"not all who wander are lost"

"not all who wander are lost"

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▹Name: Min Seo
▹Age: 21
▹Gender: Female
▹Sexuality: Straight
▹Birthday: September 18th, 1997


▹Personality: Seo is pretty shy and quiet when you would first meet you, but as she gets to know you she’s very bubbly. She’s always happy and rarely is angry or sad. She also rarely cries and is very positive. She’s a little dense when it comes to love, and tends to space out all the time, which is a habit. She’s also very smart and can get very curious or nosey if someone is hiding something.
▹Appearance: @ hwa.min


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▹ Likes:- The rain- Writing- Reading- Making her friends happy- Video games- Nature▹Dislikes:- Being alone- The dark- Seeing her friends upset- Really hot and sunny days- Loudness▹Strengths: writing, making people happy, bringing positivity, wakin...

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▹ Likes:
- The rain
- Writing
- Reading
- Making her friends happy
- Video games
- Nature
- Being alone
- The dark
- Seeing her friends upset
- Really hot and sunny days
- Loudness
▹Strengths: writing, making people happy, bringing positivity, waking up early, and happiness
▹Weaknesses: being alone, and the dark, and candy (If people are trying to get her to do something) and curiosity (Its gets the best of her), and cuddles
- Writing
- Playing video games
- Reading
- Daydreaming


▹Slot: Paroxysm
▹Love Interest: Kim Taehyung
▹Theme Song: Another Perspective by Idealism

▹Username: BlackBulletChan


▹Backstory: Nothing major has happened to Seo during her childhood. She wasn’t raised by her parents, only her older brothers whom she’s very close to. Her goal is to meet her parents, but her brothers have never told her that their parents have passed on. Ever since she was four, she has taken interest in writing and making hot chocolate. She’s a pretty smart girl even though she may not look the part.
▹Occupation: Works at a small cafe nearby her house, but would like to become an author.
▹Family: Her two older brothers (Min Haneul and Min Hyuk)
⊳Favorite Webtoon: Super Secret


⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅OOF LOOK ITS SEO :D

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