Untitled Part 156

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The world was constantly ending, since it had began. We, were constantly ending without even seeing it. And That terrified us, the thought of destruction, the loss of all the beauty, that every morning we would list out the possible ways in which it could end. 

And so instead of Realising, that right now, that in this precise moment in time, there was nothing but existence, existence that could be absolutely inhumanely extraordinary, we dreaded something we expected to come. But it never came, Like that of the many ways the world could end, anticipating apocalypse- and so it was as though the more we clenched onto the rails of our invisible ending, the more it felt like we were hanging from a height ending in oblivion. But those rails, those rails only existed in our heads- we created a fate that was merely impossible until we believed it was in fact, a possibility. 

For where would be God, or religion, if no books were written, if no words were spread, if ideas were not planted like that of a seed inside our heads, constantly growing, constantly looking for evidence of its existence. 

What is anything other than what we create? What we think, what we choose to believe? Tell me, if we thought our love had no bounds why, why, tell me, why, did we create them? Why did we upheave all hell on earth for something that could only end if we believed it was ending. 

For what was ending? As a concept, ending was no different to beginning. For in the morning when my eyes slowly open to see your face, do I begin or continue to love you? When my eyes close over at night, the last sight your hand enclosed over mine, do I stop loving you as u drift or continue in my sleep? 

We made the boundaries in which we now feel trapped. We must break the chains that we have lay at our feet, condemning us to a mindset that is not real. We must realise, that the only thing stopping us from forever is ourselves, and our inability to grasp the fact that we are in fact, the most beautiful enigma to have ever walk this earth, that of which is ending with every breath we take, yet completely whole, completely capable, completely alive. And we, we, my beautiful, beautiful lover, we are alive. 

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