Chapter 1

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Suga rubbed his eyes and smiled at the immigration officer when they handed back his passport

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Suga rubbed his eyes and smiled at the immigration officer when they handed back his passport.

His flight had been delayed at Incheon, and he arrived at Sendai airport an hour later than he was supposed to. His study abroad in Korea had just ended, and as much as he wanted to go home and curl up in his own bed, he promised Daichi that he'd stop by the Karasuno reunion/inevitable pick-up volleyball game. Besides, it was rare for them all to get together, and he hadn't been able to see them since he had left for Korea in July. (He also wanted to see how Yamaguchi was faring as captain.)

While waiting at the baggage claim, he pulled out his phone, connected to the free airport wifi, and texted his parents and the team group chat to let them know he had landed safely. His parents replied asking what time he'd be home, while Daichi said that the team prepared a surprise for him.

Suga texted back a series of question marks and pulled his bag from the carousel. He received a reply laden with emojis, that the team had all donated a little bit of money to get him a personal chauffeur from the airport to Karasuno.

He wheeled his bag through the terminal and made his way toward the line of drivers holding signs with a multitude of names in various languages written on them. He quickly scanned the signs, but didn't see his name on any of them.

He pursed his lips and more carefully looked at the signs before letting out a snort and shaking his head in disbelief. Of course the team couldn't have just told the company his name in Kanji and instead had told the driver to put the sign in Hangul.

Pulling his luggage behind him, he shot the driver a mega-watt smile and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Suga," he said, referring to the name on the sign. "I think that you're the one I'm supposed to meet."

The driver gave him an odd look, "Your Japanese is far better than I was expecting, and your hair is completely different from the description I was given. Are you sure?"

"It hasn't been that long since I've been in Japan," Suga laughed, "and they're always making fun of my hair since I've been stuck with 'old-man gray' my entire life. Anyways, if you're supposed to be picking up a 'Suga' from South Korea, then that's me."

"Well, you fit what the paper says. I'm Sugimoto," he said, introducing himself and smiling. "Let me get your bag. I'll take care of everything from here until we get you safe and sound at your destination." Suga was led to a van with darkened windows and an expensive leather interior.

"How was your flight, sir?" Sugimoto asked, pulling out of the parking lot.

Suga sighed, content with closing his eyes and leaning his head against the window. "It was good, but it's nice to be back in Japan."

"That's right, you haven't been to Japan since the summer. You didn't come here the last time you were here, right?"

"I actually flew out of Tokyo, because Sendai has so few flights to Seoul," Suga replied. "I just got lucky with this flight."

"Is your schedule packed while you're here?"

"It's a little hectic coming back after being gone so long, but I should be able to settle in soon enough."

He continued making small talk with the driver until he was told that they were almost to his destination. Some of the questions struck him as kind of odd, but he figured he was just tired from traveling and the stress of his flight being delayed, plus he was too excited to see his friends to care.

Before he got out, Suga dug out his hat, gloves, and facemask from his backpack to prepare for the cold walk from the parking lot to the familiar gymnasium. He was not prepared for the high-pitched screaming that erupted as soon as the door was opened. It was nothing like the cheers and chants that he heard during volleyball matches. Even the crowds at Nationals couldn't compete with the screams. 

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