Chapter 2

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He didn't even remember getting into the building

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He didn't even remember getting into the building. The only thing on his mind was an increasingly more frantic string of expletives. By the time he gained his bearings to pay attention to his surroundings, he had been led by men clad in black into a dressing room with six other boys.

He was barraged with greetings and questions from the boys who looked vaguely familiar, but Suga couldn't exactly place where he had seen them.

"Suga! You're finally here!"

"How was the flight?"

"I've been working on some new lyrics. Could you look at them?"

The mask and hat suddenly seemed stifling, and he thought that he might be on the precipice of a small mental breakdown.

One of the boys knocked his shoulder, and then swung around him to give him a back hug, resting his chin on his shoulder. "What's wrong? You haven't said a word."

The boys in the room turned their full attention toward him, identical looks of worry etched onto their faces.

"What's up? We have a pretty laid back schedule today. Just a run through for the show tomorrow, a few interviews, and a promo walk for the fans," one of the boys explained.

"We've been at this for almost five years, it should be a breeze," said another one of the boys.

All of these nameless strangers talking to him like he was an old friend was overwhelming and also reminded him how much he missed his friends.

"There's kind of small problem with that." He paused, unsure of how exactly to explain the situation. The boys stared at him in confusion, and he decided it was best to just get it over with. Before one of them could interrupt, he ripped off his face mask and hat.

"I don't think I'm your Suga."

The boy who still had his arms loosely around his waist, screamed and jumped away from him. "Who the hell are you? Where's Yoongi?"

Everyone else in the room started to talk at once. Suga can't understand what they're saying, the Korean too fast and panicked for him to comprehend. He stilled in the center of the chaos and waited until they turned toward him.

"I can't understand you when you talk that fast," he told them slowly. Before they even got to discussing their situation, they managed to figure out the extent of basic Korean and Japanese that they all knew in order to communicate.

"So, who are you?" questioned Namjoon, who Suga learned was the leader of their group. His mind flashed in recognition that the boys had looked familiar because he had seen them on advertisements in Seoul. Suga hadn't paid much attention to the Korean idols, much preferring the small taste of home that Japanese pop provided while abroad.

"My name's Sugawara Koushi." Suga smiled. "Although, my friends call me Suga." He wasn't sure if he could count a boy band he had just met as "friends," though.

"But how did you end up here?" A tall-broad shouldered man who introduced himself as Jin, asked.

"I was studying abroad in Seoul." Suga helplessly shrugged. "I flew in from Incheon today, and I guess I must have gotten into the wrong car."

"It's nice to meet you!" An exuberant young man with a boxy smile said. "I'm Taehyung! I hope you enjoyed Seoul." He reached out to shake Suga's hand, and they exchanged grins.

"Tae, stop fraternizing with the enemy. For all we know he kidnapped Yoongi."

"Shush, Jimin-ie." Taehyung put a finger to Jimin's lips. "Look at him," he waved his arm in Suga's direction, "he's absolutely harmless." Suga made sure to smile really big in their direction, and the suspicion in the other boy's eyes settled into something less threatening.

"Wait," said one of the boys he hasn't met, a frown on his face.

Namjoon looked at him, with worry mirrored on his own face. "What's wrong, Hobi?"

Hobi looked at Suga and pursed his lips. "If you're here, then where's Yoongi?"

Jungkook, the boy who hugged him, had calmed down since Suga's introduction, but Hobi's revelation had caused a look of anxiety to return. The entire room was on the precipice of chaos, but before anyone could say anything Suga's phone rang.

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