Take Care- (fatherly)Shiro x sick!Pidge

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~~this is the only kind of shidge i like- parental love that gave Space Dad his nickname. Enjoy!~~

Pidge hadn't slept in days. She was exhausted, researching Galra bases, trying to find Matt.

A sharp pain alerted her that she hadn't eaten for several hours and she sighed, standing to go to the kitchen for some of that weird green goop.

Shiro watched as the tiny 15-year-old wandered over to the plates. She'd gotten thinner the past week, already baggy clothes making her tiny frame even smaller in comparison, hair both greasy and frizzed from the hours in front of the computer.

She looked like walking death. Pale, with dark circles, emitting coughs as she dragged her feet across the floor. He watched with concern as she ate only a few spoonfuls before leaving.

Shiro cleaned his plate and began pulling things down from the cupboards. Pidge needed to eat, and it needed to be something better than the gelatinous substance everyone defaulted to.

He may not be the best cook, dangit, but he was sure gonna try.


Several minutes later, Shiro stood outside Pidge's door with a plate of slightly overcooked makeshift casserole that smelled like beans. The edges were burnt, and there were little charred bits (He'd forgotten to set a timer), but it was food.

An explosive coughing fit sounded through Pidge's door, sounding dry and painful. He knocked twice before entering.

Pidge's room was a mess, gadgets everywhere, dusty, bed unmade. She was sitting in the middle of the metal jungle, and looked up at Shiro with sunken eyes, made worse in appearance by the harsh light off the screen.

"What do you want?" Her voice was hoarse, quiet, strained.. She sounded almost as bad as she looked.

"Pidge, I know you're worried about Matt. I am too. But kiddo, if you keep this up, you're going to kill yourself before you can save him." Shiro set the plate on a gadget, ignoring Pidge's glare, and cleared off her bed. Picking her up out of the mess, he sat her down on it and set the dish in her lap.


"You need to eat, Pidge."

"But what is it?"

"Homemade!" Shiro pushed a fork to the tired girl and she reluctantly took a bite. Another. It wasn't good. It wasn't gross either. Slowly, with encouragement, Pidge finished the plate of food.

"Can I go back to my research?" Without waiting for an answer, she hopped off her bed and started in. Shiro promptly put her back, lying her down and pulling the blanket to her chin.

"Not till you've had your nap."

"I'm too old for naps!"

"You say that now, but wait till you're my age. Besides, you're overtired and half-asleep research won't help you out much."

Pidge tried to protest, but broke out in another coughing fit. Shiro raised his eyebrow at her.

"See? Lack of sleep weaken the immune system, kid." He watched her roll to her side and placed his hand on her back, moving it in a circular pattern as he softly sang a very well known tune.

"Twinkle twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky,
When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon, then you show your little light, twinkle twinkle through the night,
Then the traveler in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. He could not see where to go, if you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep, and often through my curtains peep.
For you never shut your eye, till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark, lights the traveller in the dark
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle twinkle little star."

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