Coran things because why not

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Coran trying to cook earth food and making some weird concoction nobody recognises but somehow it still tastes good.
Coran: *grossly misuses earth slang*
Lance: cries
*destroys enemy ship*
"Hashtag suck it!" (Overheard when Pidge destroyed lance on game nite)
The paladins give him a can of soda and tell him you have to shake it first or it won't taste good. He does it every time.
"It can't hurt him that much, it's earth food."
"He's allergic Coran."
"But he likes it!"
When he finally figures out the earth slang he starts misusing it on purpose, which makes it even worse
Learns Earth swears,, says fuck very frequently, even when it doesn't make sense.
Actually records Lance's siren noise and broadcasts it through the castle when he needs to wake up the paladins.
Learns you can make almost a whole sentence using only the word fuck. He likes this word.
Teaches the paladins (especially Lance) Altean slang, the two of them grossly misuse it around Allura.
Gets a pet, names it after a paladin just to fuck with them.
Records a dual siren with Lance and broadcasts it when Lance asks for a siren. Shiro is unimpressed.
Learns about memes. Keeps calling the Paladins Cinnamon roll and sinnamon roll. Likes the word yeet
*Points at anything he thinks is pretty* "me"
"You're using it wrong"
"I'm beautiful why would I be a trash can"
One of the paladins shows him a baby fail compilation, he doesn't find it funny, just worries if they're okay. Same thing happens with the animal ones.
Learns about being overdramatic when u receive a minor injuries. He does this frequently.

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