Klance Mage/Familiar [Pt1/?]

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It started as an ordinary day for Lance. Being a familiar, and in an animal shelter, he wasn't able to take his more human form, so he awoke as a cat, acted as a cat and... was an ultimate asshole cat.

He didn't like the humans who tried to adopt him, many of them had families that were too big for him to handle, since none of the children ever seem to be disciplined in how to treat animals. He didn't like too many children pulling on his ears and tail, too many picking him up and throwing him to see how far he would go, and he would always attack something and get brought right back.

Just as he wanted.

So this morning was like any other, anyhow, as Lance woke up on his usual perch of Allura's desk. The dark skinned, white haired lady headed most of the adoptions, and as much as she hated dealing with Lance she couldn't ever seem to keep him in his cage, so she'd given in and let him wander where he wanted. Which was usually right onto her desk. On her paperwork. Like an ass.

The coffee brown tabby flicked his tail, watching her with his baby blue, almost silvery eyes as she filled out a paper for another cat to be taken home. He'd seen many go, he never really got attached to them since they didn't understand what he was.

He could tell something was off today, though, as Allura had not brought him the treat that he always screamed for in the morning, knowing that she would give in if he was loud enough. He really hated cat food, at least the can of tuna wasn't crunchy and hard and half stale.

She seemed too busy for him to want to bother her, though, and he slid off of the desk before feeling her slim fingers grasp the nape of his neck and left him up like a kitten. He didn't particularly like this, and gave a small defiant whining mewl.

"All right, someone's coming in to meet you today, and I want you on your best behavior you got that?" Allura asked, knowing that the cat was smarter than average and understood everything she said. She always had to be careful about that, she'd mentioned where she hid the treats once and the next morning Lance was sitting like smug little bastard in a destroyed, half-eaten pile.

Lance gave a meow for yes, and she dropped him. Landing on his feet and giving her a little scoff and flick of his tail, Lance darted off to go do his rounds. He didn't have assigned ones, he just went and checked with all the animals to see if anyone was feeling ill. If they were, he'd give a loud mew, and Allura was able to get them in to the Vet. She appreciated this, even if he was a bit of a dick wad about it, because most of the animals in the shelter were kept completely healthy.

Nothing was out of the ordinary today, and is Lance returned to the office he saw a human there. The human had a strange aura about him, Lance couldn't quite place it, but he felt a bit drawn to it. He could only see the back of their head, which he noted was a mullet, and he bit back using his voice.

The first time he used it around people, Allura had given him a look as though she wasn't really sure if the people were lying. After all, Lance wasn't exactly your average cat. She never made him speak, though, he was grateful for it, because he really wasn't sure how to speak to people anymore.

The humans who adopted him always referred to themselves as mommy or daddy, or master, and Lance never knew their names. Not that he minded, until the children ruined everything he always loved being babied and pampered.

His thoughts were interrupted as the human turned around, and he saw the pale, practically porcelain smooth skin, and he was drawn in to the purple gray eyes. The human stared back, eyes widening slightly as though he didn't believe what he was seeing.

Lance looked at Allura, running over and jumping up onto her most recent pile of paperwork to lay down on it. She sighed at his actions, used to him by now, but spoke to him.

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