Shiro Things Because Why Not

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-sidenote that some of these are based on my belief that Shiro has PTSD-
Shiro likes to cook for people, but he can't cook very well, so he doesn't do it very often.
He's one of those people who goes to bed at like 4am and gets up at like 6 and he's well rested, and it freaks the others out.
He does that Sims thing where sometimes he just drops and does pushups in weird places.
"Oh, we can't do that it requires adult supervision."
"You.. are the adult supervision."
"Oh yeah."
He's pretty discreet but he does that calorie counting thing and reads all the nutritional value stuff. He doesn't really have a limit, just wants to be aware of his intake.
He has really vivid nightmares, and to distract himself after a particularly bad one he went down to the kitchen. This led to one of the paladins seeing him crisscross applesauce on the counter, doing that "it's 2am I have to eat as fast as I can" food shovel.
One morning Pidge comes in to ask something and he's applying eyeliner, she just leaves and never mentions it.
Shiro makes outdated movie references under his breath mid battle.
One day he forgets to do it inder his breath and everyone looks at him like he's crazy.
He accidentally makes a really outdated meme reference in front of Lance and now he gets memeshamed.
He drinks juice boxes. His favorites are apple and grape.
Likes to say he's healthy but eats pizza rolls when nobody is watching.
Soccer mom.
Can't flirt for shit but will occasionally try.
"Nice face where did you get it?"
That's why Lance gets side eye for flirting
Doesn't swear very often but when he does oh boy. Oh boy.
Gives dangle hugs sometimes
Loves making coffee art but hates coffee with a passion.
Likes the smell of tea but won't drink more than a few sips
Mixes Dayquil and Nyquil to make Quil and chugs it when he's sick.
Like, chugs by the bottle.
"Do you need a hand?"
*throws his Galtech arm at person*
Acts very mature usually but sometimes he's a complete child.
Will whip out a juice box mid battle and drink with serious expression.
Hunk caught him at like midnight watching a kids movie with fruit snacks.

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