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When lucy woke up she was in a crib and in a star onsie and with a diaper on and she yelled were the hell am i and why am i dressesld like this then ezra came down and siad shh your gonna wake you bubbas and she said i dont have brothers and ezra said dont be silly baby natsu and gray are your brothers and they love you very much.So then lucy asked what is going on ezra and ezra responded your my baby along with natsu and gray and then lucy yelled what!! Wich woke up natsu and mad him mad so he yelled at gray to wake up then ezra came up holding lucy on her hip.with lucy having a pacifer in her.mouth were she couldnt get it out.So ezra checked both natsu and grays diapers and found they were both wet so she took lucy down stairs and put in in the play pen and changed the boys diapers and then brought them downstairs and put them in high chairs and went and got lucy and put her in her high chair and put a thing of oatmeal in front of her and told the 5 year old that if she didnt make a mess like the boys did she wouldnt be fed baby food by ezra so theb ezra went to feed tge boys who at first refused until ezra threatened to spank them and they both thought about how much it hurt last time so they let her feed them the baby food then told them they were good babys and that they were goin to go some where in three days lunch came and went later after lucy natsu and gray were put in the play pin and watched sesame street wich they hated.ezra fed the boys baby food and luxy ate macaroni by herself.a couple hours later it was lunch and she fed the boys chicken and mash potatoes and lucy had the same but ate it by herself before it was time to go to bed lucy checked the three diapers and found lucy and gray wet and natsu had messed so she changed there diapers and fed the three bottles then put them to bed.when the three woke up lucy natsu and gray were all wet wich mad lucy freakout wich made ezra calm her down and so the pattern continued till three days later wich ezra packed a stroller a couple bottles and a diaper bag for were they were going.            Were do you guys want them to go and sorry for the delay u will make the storys a little bit longer dor now on so be pateint please.                 

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