The suprise

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Erza grabs natsu and gray and puts them in two car seats in the magic mobile and then goes and gets Lucy and puts her in a car seat in the magic mobile and start driving when Erza stops it is in front of a restruant called kiddy kiddy and put on a baby carrier and puts Lucy in it and then grabs natsu and gray and puts them on her hips and walks them in and says were here and they all say please don't do this Erza don't embarris us please but she ignores them and get three highchairs and puts then in them and says to the waiter I would like 3 plates of Mac in cheese and 1 stake medium rare and says that will be all the waiter says that will be 25 jewl and Erza gives the waiter the 25 jewl and says have a good day while waiting for the food people start taking pictures of Lucy natsu and gray and treat them like baby's and jura walks over with Leon on his hip and says Erza is that u and Erza says yes I wasn't expecting to see you here and say hi Leon and pinches his cheeks and jura says May I sit down and Erza says sure and jura grabs a high chair and puts Leon in it right by gray and jura sits down by Erza and the waiter brings over the 3 plates if Mac n cheese and gives 1 plate to gray and 1 plate to natsu and 1 plate to Lucy and the stake to Erza. Erza says I am trusting you 3 to be able to eat by yourselves and gray and Leon start talking and gray say Leon why are u here and Leon says jura is my daddy and gray says wait daddy and Leon says yea isn't Erza your mommy and gray says no she is forcing us to do this and Leon says well you will get used to it jura and Erza see this and jura says wow they sure like each other and Erza says yea and jura says how bout we set up a play date and Erza says yea why not and gives jura her phone number and says well me and Leon best get going and jura gets up and picks up Leon and tells Leon to st byebye to gray and Leon says bye bye and after that they leave when everyone is done eating Erza checks natsu diaper by sticking her fingers and sliding then in the diaper and says well looks like someone needs a change and after checking the other two she says well only natsu needs a change and gray says wow you really are a baby natsu nd natsu was about to say something but Erza says he won't be the only one for long and gray says what and Erza says it's nothing and says I Will change you natsu when we get home and takes the three outside into the magic mobile and puts them in there car seats and gets in and starts driving home. Sorry I took so long guys I was busy

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