Dare part 9! and a newcomer!

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Halley: *turns on recording* Hi everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of never ending chaos of dares!
J.C: well chaos is always everywhere
John: agreed
Avril: *baking a strawberry cake* Erich! Can you hand me the mixer please?
Erich: okie dokie but not okie dokie in DDLC! *gets mixer* here ya g-- wah! *slips*

(Erich slipped on the floor because of a BANANA, HOW?!!)

Avril: how did a banana got in he-- *a banana fell in her head* hey! Who did th-- *sees sun eating banananas*...Ok.. *gets the cake away*
Sun: *eating bananas*
Sun: what? What are you all looking at?
All: *goes back to their own business*
Erich: that kinda hurt... *gets mixer* Avril! Wait for mehhh!!! *goes to the kitchen*
Halley: I wonder what's that cake for?
Sity: She said its for The "new friend"
Halley: oh right! Gotta fetch him!
*snaps fingers*

( a portal appeared)

Halley: brb! *goes in*

(Portal dissapeared)

Sity: so let's continue while waiting for the author and the newcomer! Ok! So miya! You got a dare! But I won't tell who is it from *winks at the kitchen because avril is there and she is the one who requested it*

Miya: soo what is it?
Sity: its to kiss Gusion in front of alucard
Alucard: *enters in* I heard my name, what?
Sity: oh nothing... GUSION!
Gusion: *just nearby, drawing Harley and Nana* what?

Sity: come over here!
Gusion: ugh, fine* closes notebook* *goes towards sity*

Lesley: *sneaks the notebook* *opens it* wow.. Never knew babe knows how to draw *giggles*

Miya:......... I quit
Sity:NOPE! HERE TO FINISH IT!!!!!! *grabs Gusion and miya and pushes them to each other*

( they kissed) (then quickly pulled away)( BTW Lesley never saw them)
Alucard: So what?
Sity: what? Not triggered?
Alucard: triggered? Heh no *wears shades*

(Thug life song background)

John: lol
J.C: *sneaks behind sleeping ruby* *smells her hair* So good..... *smells it again*
Ruby: *still asleep*

Alucard: *walks away*
John: oh boy, looks like I'm gonna like this *gets popcorn*

Estes: BUT I AM TRIGGERED!! *uses second skill in Gusion*

(First blood)

Lesley: *still didn't notice* nice arts....

John: *burst out laughing*

(A portal appeared)

Halley: I'm back! So everyone! Meet quint! Our new friend to join us!
Quint: hi
All: hello!

Moskov: another handsome member of the handsome group eh?

Kagura: *goes towards quint* Hello! Welcome to the studio quint! *gives him a chocolate*

Quint: *blushes* thanks.. *eats the chocolate*

Kagura: *giggles* no problem!

Halley: *snaps fingers*

(Portal dissapeared)

Halley: so You got a dare for hayabusa right, quint?
Quint: yes, I have
Hayabusa: what is it? *appears behind me*
Halley: *steps aside* *blushes* *looks away*

Layla: ohohoho... See that Clint?

Clint: *smirks* I did *Snickers*

Quint: Um.. *taps my shoulder*

Halley: yes? Oh!
Quint:* gives me a paper*
Halley: well I think quint is embarrassed to say it... Sit down first there! Beside john! The boy who was eating popcorn!

John: *still eating popcorn*

Quint: Ok, thanks *go towards John and sits down beside him*

John: hey there buddy, want popcorn?
Quint: sure, thanks *eats too*

Halley: *clears throat* so its to make hayabusa and kagura kiss in front of hanabi and that hanabi grabs hayabusa and kisses him. (Or you could make hanabi grab kagura and make them KISS!)

Hanabi: *goes out from the kitchen* I heard my name, what?

John: *blushes* *still eating but continuously*
Quint: you Ok? You're staring at hanabi.. And continuously eating...
John: *snaps back to reality* Oh I'm Ok bud!

Kagura: w-what? *in mind: but I'm love at first sight with.. Quint*

( wow love at first sight, right? Eh?)

Hayabusa: *looks at me* NO!

Halley: and why?

Hayabusa: *remembers when both of them chased him nonstop* Ugh fine, just make sure both of them won't go after me

Kagura: of course not!
Hanabi: *confused*
Halley: oh! I forgot to tell hanabi lol my bad *tells hanabi the dare*
Hanabi: WHAT?!! *whispers: but john...*
Halley: opopop! Its a dare!

The three:....fine...

Hayabusa: *kisses kagura*
Kagura: hmph
Quint: *triggered a little*
Halley: *whispers to hanabi: Anyways to make things fair because I know you will grab none of them... Close your eyes and try to grab one of them, random*
Hanabi: *eyes closed* Ok... Umm... *got kagura's arm*
Kagura: *in mind: oh no...*

Hayabusa: *sees it coming* *pulls away* *hides behind me*

Halley: *whiper shout: hey everyone! Get John*
All: *gets it* *smirks* *gets john*

John: *lost in thought again* *snaps back to reality when everyone was grabbing him*
Quint: *tries not to laugh*

All: *puts him at hanabi's front* (or rather, front of kagura)

Kagura: phew *goes beside quint* chocolate?
Quint: sure thanks again *blushes* *eats chocolate again*

Kagura:*blushes too*
John: you guys are totally cra-- *gets kissed by hanabi* ...!
All: *cheering in the background*

Lesley: *still busy on the notebook*
Gusion: *resurrected* oh boy that sure is long...
Ruby: *still aslepp despite everyone noisy* zzzz
J.C: so kawaii.... *snaps a pic of it*
Ruby: *still asleep*

Hanabi: *opens eyes*....!

(Both pulled away then blushed)

Halley: awee so adorable!
Hayabusa: *looks at me* *blushes*
Fanny: *notices it* oh boy.. Layla is telling the truth then...lol

Saber: what?
Fanny: oh it's nothing babe *giggles*
Avril: *comes out from the kitchen* quint!
Quint: *looks at avril* oh,um, how did you know my name?
Avril: I heard it! C'mon! We prepared a cake for you!
Quint: thanks..

----meanwhile at the kitchen----

Erich: *stares at the cake* just a taste, right? I'm hungy.... * didn't noticed she was going towards it* *gets a icing* *licks it, yummy!

All: *enters in*
Avril: oh... *sees Erich* nevermind... Let's eat!

All: yey! *grabs plates and spoons* *start eating*

Erich: yey!eating time! *eats*

Halley: Ok *eats* that's all for today's chapter! Hope you all like it! Comment down requests for a dare or one-shot! Bye! *turns off recording*

Hope you all like it!
Stay tuned for more!

My first time to wrote a long chapter lol

Love you all!
( lesleythesniper out!)

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